Dr. Jan Walstra
Dr. Jan Walstra
Geologist & Geinformation Specialist, Geological Survey of Belgium, Royal Belgian Institute of
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Historical aerial photographs for landslide assessment: two case histories
J Walstra, N Dixon, JH Chandler
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 40 (4), 315-332, 2007
The role of human interference on the channel shifting of the Karkheh River in the Lower Khuzestan plain (Mesopotamia, SW Iran)
VMA Heyvaert, J Walstra, P Verkinderen, HJT Weerts, B Ooghe
Quaternary International 251, 52-63, 2012
Time for change-quantifying landslide evolution using historical aerial photographs and modern photogrammetric methods
J Walstra, JH Chandler, N Dixon, TA Dijkstra
International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2004
Use of digital photogrammetry for the study of unstable slopes in urban areas: case study of the El Biar landslide, Algiers
A Laribi, J Walstra, M Ougrine, A Seridi, N Dechemi
Engineering geology 187, 73-83, 2015
Aerial photography and digital photogrammetry for landslide monitoring
J Walstra, JH Chandler, N Dixon, TA Dijkstra
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 283 (1), 53-63, 2007
Assessing human impact on alluvial fan development: a multidisciplinary case-study from Lower Khuzestan (SW Iran)
J Walstra, VMA Heyvaert, P Verkinderen
Geodinamica Acta 23 (5-6), 267-285, 2010
Subsidence related to groundwater pumping for breweries in Merchtem area (Belgium), highlighted by Persistent Scaterrer Interferometry
PY Declercq, P Gerard, E Pirard, D Perissin, J Walstra, X Devleeschouwer
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 63 …, 2017
The role of long‐term human impact on avulsion and fan development
VMA Heyvaert, J Walstra
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 41 (14), 2137-2152, 2016
Characteristics of direct human impacts on the rivers Karun and Dez in lowland south-west Iran and their interactions with earth surface movements
KP Woodbridge, DR Parsons, VMA Heyvaert, J Walstra, LE Frostick
Quaternary International 392, 315-334, 2016
Geologisch en hydrogeologisch 3D model van het Cenozoïcum van de Belgisch-Nederlandse grensstreek van Midden-Brabant/De Kempen (H3O–De Kempen)
R Vernes, J Deckers, MAJ Bakker, F Bogemans, M De Ceukelaire, ...
A study of ground movements in brussels (Belgium) monitored by persistent scatterer interferometry over a 25-year period
PY Declercq, J Walstra, P Gérard, E Pirard, D Perissin, B Meyvis, ...
Geosciences 7 (4), 115, 2017
Reconstructing landscape evolution in the Lower Khuzestan plain (SW Iran): integrating imagery, historical and sedimentary archives
J Walstra, P Verkinderen, V Heyvaert
Landscapes through the lens: aerial photographs and historic environment 2 …, 2010
Quantifying landform change.
JH Chandler, SN Lane, J Walstra
Whittles, 2007
A contextual approach to classify Mediterranean heterogeneous vegetation using the spatial reclassification kernel (SPARK) and DAIS7915 imagery
R Sluiter, SM Jong, H Kwast, J Walstra
Remote sensing image analysis: Including the spatial domain, 291-310, 2004
Geoarchaeological Research in Lower Khuzestan: State of the Art
V Heyvaert, P Verkinderen, J Walstra
Susa and Elam. Archaeological, Pilological, Historical and Geographical …, 2013
Mapping Late Holocene Landscape Evolution and Human Impact - A Case Study from Lower Khuzestan (SW Iran)
J Walstra, V Heyvaert, P Verkinderen
Developments in Earth Surface Processes 15, 551-575, 2011
Historical aerial photographs and digital photogrammetry for landslide assessment
J Walstra
© Jan Walstra, 2006
Historical Nankai-Suruga megathrust earthquakes recorded by tsunami and terrestrial mass movement deposits on the Shirasuka coastal lowlands, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan
E Garrett, O Fujiwara, S Riedesel, J Walstra, K Deforce, Y Yokoyama, ...
The Holocene 28 (6), 968-983, 2018
Extracting landslide movements from historical aerial photographs
J Walstra, JH Chandler, N Dixon, TA Dijkstra
Landslides: evaluation and stabilization. Taylor & Francis, London, 843-850, 2004
Geologisch en hydrogeologisch 3D model van het Cenozoïcum van de Roerdalslenk in Zuidoost-Nederland en Vlaanderen (H3O–Roerdalslenk)
J Deckers, R Vernes, W Dabekaussen, M Den Dulk, H Doornenbal, ...
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