Israel Solorio
Israel Solorio
其他姓名Israel Felipe Solorio Sandoval, Israel Solorio Sandoval, I. S. Sandoval
School of Political and Social Sciences, National Autonomous University of Mexico
在 politicas.unam.mx 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
European Energy Policy: An Environmental Approach
F Morata, I Solorio
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2012
Exploring the energy-environment relationship in the EU: Perspectives and challenges for theorizing and empirical analysis
J Tosun, I Solorio
European Integration Online Papers, 2011
A guide to EU renewable energy policy
I Solorio, H Jörgens
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017
Contested energy transition? Europeanization and authority turns in EU renewable energy policy
I Solorio, H Jörgens
Journal of European Integration 42 (1), 77-93, 2020
Bridging the gap between environmental policy integration and the EU’s energy policy: mapping out the ‘green europeanisation’of energy governance
I Solorio
Journal of Contemporary European Research 7 (3), 396-415, 2011
Renegotiating authority in the Energy Union: A Framework for Analysis
A Herranz-Surrallés, I Solorio, J Fairbrass
Journal of European Integration 42 (1), 1-17, 2020
EU renewable energy policy: A brief overview of its history and evolution
I Solorio, P Bocquillon
A guide to EU renewable energy policy, 23-42, 2017
Introduction: The re-evolution of energy policy in the EU
I Solorio, F Morata
European Energy Policy: An Environmental Approach, 1-22, 2012
Leader on paper, laggard in practice: policy fragmentation and the multi-level paralysis in implementation of the Mexican Climate Act
I Solorio
Climate Policy 21 (9), 1175-1189, 2021
AMLO’s populism in Mexico and the framing of the extractivist agenda: The construction of the hegemony of the people without the indigenous voices
I Solorio, J Ortega, J Romero, Raúl, Guzmán
Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft Comparative Governance and …, 2021
The German Energy Transition in the Context of the EU Renewable Energy Policy: A Reality Check!
I Solorio, E Öller, H Jörgens
Im Hürdenlauf zur Energiewende: Von Transformationen, Reformen und …, 2014
La europeización de la política energética en España: ¿qué sendero para las renovables?
I Solorio
Revista Española de Ciencia Política, 105-123, 2011
The European Energy Policy and its ‘Green Dimension’: Discursive hegemony and policy variations in the greening of energy policy
I Solorio, M Bechberger
Sustainable Development and Governance in Europe: The Evolution of the …, 2013
When ‘green’ is not always sustainable: The inconvenient truth of the European energy policy
F Morata, I Solorio
Carbon Management 4 (5), 555-563, 2013
The UK and EU renewable energy policy: the relentless British policy-shaper
I Solorio, J Fairbrass
A Guide to EU Renewable Energy Policy, 104-120, 2017
The Liberalisation of the Internal Energy Market: Is the EU Dancing at a British Tempo?
A Ciambra, I Solorio
Energy Policy Making in the EU: Building the Agenda, 147-165, 2015
La arquitectura institucional de la política climática de México: un análisis desde el enfoque de integración de políticas
I Solorio, A Carrillo, I Guzmán
Revista de Estudios Políticos 51 (septiembre-diciembre), 191-216, 2020
La integración de políticas ambientales y climáticas en México: el camino hacia una agenda de investigación para las ciencias político-administrativas
I Solorio, C Miranda
Encrucijada 32 (19), 50-73, 2019
The EU and the promotion of renewable energy: An analytical framework
H Jörgens, I Solorio
A Guide to EU Renewable Energy Policy, 3-22, 2017
Las regiones en la Unión Europea: procesos y paradigmas
L Popartan, I Solorio
Revista CIDOB d'afers internacionals, 9-23, 2012
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