Allen Knapp
Allen Knapp
在 iastate.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Seed priming with brassinolide improves lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) seed germination and seedling growth in relation to physiological changes under salinity stress
S Zhang, J Hu, Y Zhang, XJ Xie, A Knapp
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 58 (8), 811-815, 2007
Effect of temperature on the germination of common waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus), giant foxtail (Setaria faberi), and velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti)
RG Leon, AD Knapp, MDK Owen
Weed Science 52 (1), 67-73, 2004
Soybean seed quality response to drought stress and pod position
KD Smiciklas, RE Mullen, RE Carlson, AD Knapp
Agronomy journal 84 (2), 166-170, 1992
Drought‐induced stress effect on soybean seed calcium and quality
KD Smiciklas, RE Mullen, RE Carlson, AD Knapp
Crop Science 29 (6), 1519-1523, 1989
Association of polyamines in governing the chilling sensitivity of maize genotypes
C Gao, J Hu, S Zhang, Y Zheng, A Knapp
Plant Growth Regulation 57, 31-38, 2009
Selection and Adaptation to High Plant Density in the Iowa Stiff Stalk Synthetic Maize (Zea mays L.) Population
B Brekke, J Edwards, A Knapp
Crop Science 51 (5), 1965-1972, 2011
Seed development, germination and quality
MB McDonald Jr, LO Copeland, AD Knapp, DF Grabe
Cool‐season forage grasses 34, 15-70, 1996
Relationship between changes in endogenous polyamines and seed quality during development of sh2 sweet corn (Zea mays L.) seed
DD Cao, J Hu, SJ Zhu, WM Hu, A Knapp
Scientia horticulturae 123 (3), 301-307, 2010
Emergence and survival of legumes seeded into pastures varying in landscape position
JA Guretzky, KJ Moore, AD Knapp, EC Brummer
Crop Science 44 (1), 227-233, 2004
Enhancing germination of eastern gamagrass seed with stratification and gibberellic acid
C Rogis, LR Gibson, AD Knapp, R Horton
Crop science 44 (2), 549-552, 2004
Selection and Adaptation to High Plant Density in the Iowa Stiff Stalk Synthetic Maize (Zea mays L.) Population: II. Plant Morphology
B Brekke, J Edwards, A Knapp
Crop science 51 (6), 2344-2351, 2011
Cupule removal and caryopsis scarification improves germination of eastern gamagrass seed
X Tian, AD Knapp, KJ Moore, EC Brummer, TB Bailey
Crop Science 42 (1), 185-189, 2002
Time series regression analysis between changes in kernel size and seed vigor during developmental stage of sh2 sweet corn (Zea mays L.) seeds
YJ Guan, J Hu, ZF Wang, SJ Zhu, JC Wang, A Knapp
Scientia Horticulturae 154, 25-30, 2013
Applying freezing test to quantify cold acclimation in Medicago truncatula
B Thapa, R Arora, AD Knapp, EC Brummer
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 133 (5), 684-691, 2008
Maximizing seed production in eastern gamagrass
BM Lemke, LR Gibson, AD Knapp, PM Dixon, KJ Moore, R Hintz
Agronomy Journal 95 (4), 863-869, 2003
Severity of Phomopsis seed decay, seed quality evaluation, and field performance of soybean
G Zorrilla, AD Knapp, DC McGee
Crop science 34 (1), 172-177, 1994
Integrated square-wave electrochemical detection of biogenic amines in soybean seeds following their separations by liquid chromatography
R Pineda, AD Knapp, JC Hoekstra, DC Johnson
Analytica chimica acta 449 (1-2), 111-117, 2001
An Overview of Seed Dormancy in Native Warm‐Season Grasses
AD Knapp
Native Warm‐Season Grasses: Research Trends and Issues 30, 107-122, 2000
Response of eastern gamagrass seed to gibberellic acid buffered below its pKa
X Tian, AD Knapp, LR Gibson, R Struthers, KJ Moore, EC Brummer, ...
Crop Science 43 (3), 927-933, 2003
Isozyme allelic frequency changes following maize (Zea mays L.) germplasm regeneration
RE Reedy, AD Knapp, K Lamkey, KR Lamkey
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