Strategies for effective stimulation of multiple perforation clusters in horizontal wells R Manchanda, EC Bryant, P Bhardwaj, P Cardiff, MM Sharma SPE Production & Operations 33 (03), 539-556, 2018 | 78 | 2018 |
Parent-child fracture interference: Explanation and mitigation of child well underperformance R Manchanda, P Bhardwaj, J Hwang, MM Sharma SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, D021S005R005, 2018 | 69 | 2018 |
Injection induced fracture propagation and stress reorientation in waterflooded reservoirs P Bhardwaj, J Hwang, R Manchanda, MM Sharma SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, D031S056R001, 2016 | 33 | 2016 |
Strategies for improving the performance of child wells in the permian basin R Manchanda, J Hwang, P Bhardwaj, MM Sharma, M Maguire, ... Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, 23-25 July …, 2018 | 17 | 2018 |
Modeling dynamic fracture growth induced by non-Newtonian polymer injection Z Li, H Luo, P Bhardwaj, B Wang, M Delshad Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 147, 395-407, 2016 | 11 | 2016 |
A new reservoir scale model for fracture propagation and stress reorientation in injection wells P Bhardwaj, R Manchanda, J Hwang, P Cardiff, MM Sharma ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-2016-114, 2016 | 11 | 2016 |
Water Injection Well Performance and Fracture Propagation in a Channel Sand Reservoir: An Offshore Ghana Case Study J Hwang, P Bhardwaj, M Sharma, S Sathyamoorthy, K Amaning, A Singh Offshore Technology Conference, D012S077R005, 2019 | 6 | 2019 |
A New Reservoir Scale Model for Fracture Propagation and Stress Reorientation in Injection Wells, in 50th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium P Bhardwaj, R Manchanda, J Hwang, P Cardiff, MM Sharma American Rock Mechanics Association, 2016 | 6 | 2016 |
February. Strategies for effective stimulation of multiple perforation clusters in horizontal wells R Manchanda, EC Bryant, P Bhardwaj, MM Sharma SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference. Society of Petroleum …, 2016 | 5 | 2016 |
A new reservoir scale model for fracture propagation and stress reorientation in waterflooded reservoirs P Bhardwaj | | 2016 |