Lindsay Plater
Lindsay Plater
在 uoguelph.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
No role for activated long-term memory in attentional control settings.
L Plater, M Giammarco, C Fiacconi, N Al-Aidroos
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 149 (2), 209, 2020
Getting it right from the start: Attentional control settings without a history of target selection
M Giammarco, L Plater, J Hryciw, N Al-Aidroos
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 83 (1), 133-141, 2021
Repetition enhances the effects of activated long-term memory
L Plater, S Nyman, S Joubran, N Al-Aidroos
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 76 (3), 621-631, 2023
Revisiting the role of visual working memory in attentional control settings
L Plater, B Dube, M Giammarco, K Donaldson, K Miller, N Al-Aidroos
Visual Cognition 30 (5), 318-338, 2022
Control over attentional capture within 170 ms by long-term memory control settings: Evidence from the N2pc
L Plater, M Giammarco, S Joubran, N Al-Aidroos
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 31 (1), 283-292, 2024
Rapid (< 160ms) control over attentional capture by long-term memory attentional control settings
L Plater, M Giammarco, J Hryciw, N Al-Aidroos
Journal of Vision 22 (14), 3224-3224, 2022
Attentional Control Setting Representations and the Memory Systems that Support Them
L Plater
University of Guelph, 2022
Visual working memory and long-term memory attentional control settings: Can we maintain both simultaneously?
L Plater, A Moya, S Joubran, N Al-Aidroos
Journal of Vision 21 (9), 1897-1897, 2021
Goals matter: Only searched-for visual working memory representations form an attentional control set.
L Plater, B Dube, M Giammarco, K Donaldson, K Miller, N Al-Aidroos
Journal of Vision 20 (11), 151-151, 2020
Smile and the world watches: Capture by happy gaze cues outside an attentional control set.
L Plater, A Valecha, R Gupta, J Pratt, N Al-Aidroos
Journal of Vision 19 (10), 217a-217a, 2019
The Flexibility of Episodic Long-Term Memory-Guided Attention and the Impact of Reinstating Context
D Segal, L Plater, N Al-Aidroos, C Fiacconi
SURG Journal 11, 2019
Representation in activated long-term memory is not sufficient to induce an attentional control setting
L Plater, N Al-Aidroos
Journal of Vision 18 (10), 1311-1311, 2018
Attentional control settings are stored in activated long term memory
L Plater, M Giammarco, N Al-Aidroos
Journal of Vision 17 (10), 952-952, 2017
Attentional control settings and visual working memory (preprint)
L Plater, B Dube, M Giammarco, K Donaldson, K Miller, N Al-Aidroos
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