Семенкова, Галина Николаевна (Galina N Semenkova)
Семенкова, Галина Николаевна (Galina N Semenkova)
Belarusian State Medical University
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Influence of neopterin on the generation of reactive oxygen species in human neutrophils
JA Razumovitch, GN Semenkova, D Fuchs, SN Cherenkevich
FEBS letters 549 (1-3), 83-86, 2003
Cytotoxic and antiproliferative effects of thymoquinone on rat C6 glioma cells depend on oxidative stress
NG Krylova, MS Drobysh, GN Semenkova, TA Kulahava, SV Pinchuk, ...
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 462, 195-206, 2019
Influence of neopterin on generation of reactive species by myeloperoxidase in human neutrophils
JA Razumovitch, D Fuchs, GN Semenkova, SN Cherenkevich
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects 1672 (1), 46-50, 2004
Effects of hydrogen peroxide on neutrophil ability to generate reactive oxygen and chlorine species and to secrete myeloperoxidase in vitro
AI Kavalenka, GN Semenkova, SN Cherenkevich
Cell and Tissue Biology 1, 551-559, 2007
Effect of hydrogen peroxide on ability of neutrophils to generate the reactive oxygen and chlorine species and secrete myeloperoxidase in vitro
EI Kovalenko, GN Semenkova, SN Cherenkevich
Tsitologiia 49 (10), 839-847, 2007
Free-radical destruction of sphingolipids resulting in 2-hexadecenal formation
O Shadyro, A Lisovskaya, G Semenkova, I Edimecheva, N Amaegberi
Lipid insights 8, LPI. S24081, 2015
Activation of redox‐systems of monocytes by hydrogen peroxide
AA Krjukov, GN Semenkova, SN Cherenkevich, V Gerein
Biofactors 26 (4), 283-292, 2006
Investigation of the interaction of sodium nitrite with hydrogen peroxide in aqueous solutions by the chemiluminescence method
MN Starodubtseva, SN Cherenkevich, GN Semenkova
Journal of Applied Spectroscopy 66, 473-476, 1999
Role of mitochondrial calcium in hypochlorite induced oxidative damage of cells
VT Cheshchevik, NG Krylova, NG Сheshchevik, EA Lapshina, ...
Biochimie 184, 104-115, 2021
Хемилюминесценция при пероксидазной реакции окисления люминола перекисью водорода в различных средах (Chemiluminescence in the peroxidase oxidation of luminol with hydrogen …
ГН Семенкова, ТМ Новикова, СН Черенкевич, ...
Лабораторное дело Laboratornoe Delo 11, 33-38, 1991
Synthesis of 3,5-Di-tert-butyl-1,2-dihydroxybenzene Derivatives and Their Effect on Free-Radical Oxidation of Hexane and Oxygen Activation Ability of Neutrophils
GA Ksendzova, NI Ostrovskaya, GN Semenkova, VL Sorokin, ...
Russian Journal of General Chemistry 89, 391-398, 2019
Cell functioning characterization using spontaneous polarization hysteresis in thin langmuir-blodgett films with modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes and rare-earth atoms
HV Grushevskaya, VV Hrushevsky, NG Krylova, TA Kulahava, ...
Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems 13 (4), 396-408, 2010
Menadione-induced reactive oxygen species generation by C6 glioma cells
TA Kulahava, GN Semenkova, ZB Kvacheva
Doclady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus 51 (1), 75-78, 2007
Генерация активных форм кислорода в моноцитах при адгезии к стеклу
ЧСН Крюков АА, Семенкова ГН
Цитология 48 (2), 142-148, 2006
Systems of reactive oxygen species generation in human neutrophils: chemiluminescent analysis
AI Kavalenka, GN Semenkova, SN Cherenkevich, EN Smirnova, V Gerein
Clin. Lab 49 (9), 10, 2003
Morphometric characteristics of neutrophils stimulated by adhesion and hypochlorite
T Kuznetsova, T Kulahava, I Zholnerevich, N Amaegberi, G Semenkova, ...
Molecular Immunology 87, 317-324, 2017
Oxygen-activating ability of neutrophils from children with non-Hodgkin's lymphomas in the therapy with G-CSF
GN Semenkova, EN Smirnova, EI Kovalenko, V Gerein, II Savanovich, ...
Экспериментальная онкология 19 (2), 153-156, 1997
Redox regulation of mitochondrial functional activity by quinones
NG Krylova, TA Kulahava, VT Cheschevik, IK Dremza, GN Semenkova, ...
Physiology International 103 (4), 439-458, 2016
Effects of peroxynitrite and lipopolysaccharide on mitotic activity of C6 glioma cells
TA Kulahava, GN Semenkova, ZB Kvacheva, SN Cherenkevich, ...
Neuroscience letters 398 (3), 286-290, 2006
Chemiluminescence of luminol caused by interaction of cytochrome P-450 and cytochrome C with cumene hydroperoxide: comparative studies.
AA Akhrem, GN Semenkova, SN Cherenkevich, YM Popova, PA Kiselev
Biomedica biochimica acta 44 (11-12), 1591-1597, 1985
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