Marc Zirnsak
Marc Zirnsak
在 stanford.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Neural mechanisms of selective visual attention
T Moore, M Zirnsak
Annual review of psychology 68 (1), 47-72, 2017
Visual space is compressed in prefrontal cortex before eye movements
M Zirnsak, NA Steinmetz, B Noudoost, KZ Xu, T Moore
Nature 507 (7493), 504-507, 2014
The peri-saccadic perception of objects and space
FH Hamker, M Zirnsak, D Calow, M Lappe
PLoS computational biology 4 (2), e31, 2008
Spatial working memory alters the efficacy of input to visual cortex
Y Merrikhi, K Clark, E Albarran, M Parsa, M Zirnsak, T Moore, B Noudoost
Nature communications 8 (1), 15041, 2017
Saccades and shifting receptive fields: anticipating consequences or selecting targets?
M Zirnsak, T Moore
Trends in cognitive sciences 18 (12), 621-628, 2014
Social and attention‐to‐detail subclusters of autistic traits differentially predict looking at eyes and face identity recognition ability
J Davis, E McKone, M Zirnsak, T Moore, R O'Kearney, D Apthorp, ...
British Journal of Psychology 108 (1), 191-219, 2017
V4 receptive field dynamics as predicted by a systems-level model of visual attention using feedback from the frontal eye field
FH Hamker, M Zirnsak
Neural Networks 19 (9), 1371-1382, 2006
Computational models of spatial updating in peri-saccadic perception
FH Hamker, M Zirnsak, A Ziesche, M Lappe
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 366 …, 2011
The spatial distribution of receptive field changes in a model of peri-saccadic perception: predictive remapping and shifts towards the saccade target
M Zirnsak, M Lappe, FH Hamker
Vision research 50 (14), 1328-1337, 2010
Parietal cortex regulates visual salience and salience-driven behavior
X Chen, M Zirnsak, GM Vega, E Govil, SG Lomber, T Moore
Neuron 106 (1), 177-187. e4, 2020
Split of spatial attention as predicted by a systems‐level model of visual attention
M Zirnsak, F Beuth, FH Hamker
European Journal of Neuroscience 33 (11), 2035-2045, 2011
Anticipatory saccade target processing and the presaccadic transfer of visual features
M Zirnsak, RGK Gerhards, R Kiani, M Lappe, FH Hamker
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (49), 17887-17891, 2011
Two types of receptive field dynamics in area V4 at the time of eye movements?
TS Hartmann, M Zirnsak, M Marquis, FH Hamker, T Moore
Frontiers in systems neuroscience 11, 13, 2017
Dissonant representations of visual space in prefrontal cortex during eye movements
X Chen, M Zirnsak, T Moore
Cell Reports 22 (8), 2039-2052, 2018
Attention alters feature space in motion processing
M Zirnsak, FH Hamker
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (20), 6882-6890, 2010
About the influence of post-saccadic mechanisms for visual stability on peri-saccadic compression of object location
FH Hamker, M Zirnsak, M Lappe
Journal of Vision 8 (14), 1-1, 2008
Frontal eye field neurons selectively signal the reward value of prior actions
X Chen, M Zirnsak, GM Vega, T Moore
Progress in neurobiology 195, 101881, 2020
Global selection of saccadic target features by neurons in area V4
BE Burrows, M Zirnsak, H Akhlaghpour, M Wang, T Moore
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (19), 6700-6706, 2014
The what and where of visual attention
T Moore, M Zirnsak
Neuron 88 (4), 626-628, 2015
The contribution of parietal cortex to visual salience
X Chen, M Zirnsak, GM Vega, E Govil, SG Lomber, T Moore
BioRxiv, 619643, 2019
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