Vertical structure of mesoscale eddies in the eastern South Pacific Ocean: A composite analysis from altimetry and Argo profiling floats A Chaigneau, M Le Texier, G Eldin, C Grados, O Pizarro Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 116 (C11), 2011 | 380 | 2011 |
Circulation and low-frequency variability near the Chilean coast: Remotely forced fluctuations during the 1991–92 El Nino G Shaffer, O Pizarro, L Djurfeldt, S Salinas, J Rutllant Journal of Physical Oceanography 27 (2), 217-235, 1997 | 226 | 1997 |
Biological and chemical consequences of the 1997–1998 El Niño in the Chilean coastal upwelling system: a synthesis R Escribano, G Daneri, L Farías, VA Gallardo, HE González, D Gutiérrez, ... Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 51 (20-21), 2389-2411, 2004 | 224 | 2004 |
Seasonal and interannual variability of currents and temperature off central Chile G Shaffer, S Hormazabal, O Pizarro, S Salinas Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 104 (C12), 29951-29961, 1999 | 221 | 1999 |
Dynamics of seasonal and interannual variability of the Peru‐Chile Undercurrent O Pizarro, G Shaffer, B Dewitte, M Ramos Geophysical Research Letters 29 (12), 22-1-22-4, 2002 | 135 | 2002 |
Seasonal variability of coastal upwelling and the upwelling front off central Chile J Letelier, O Pizarro, S Nuñez Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 114 (C12), 2009 | 134 | 2009 |
Eddy characteristics in the eastern South Pacific A Chaigneau, O Pizarro Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 110 (C6), 2005 | 132 | 2005 |
Currents in the deep ocean off Chile (30 S) G Shaffer, S Salinas, O Pizarro, A Vega, S Hormazabal Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 42 (4), 425-436, 1995 | 111 | 1995 |
Mean surface circulation and mesoscale turbulent flow characteristics in the eastern South Pacific from satellite tracked drifters A Chaigneau, O Pizarro Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 110 (C5), 2005 | 108 | 2005 |
Interannual‐to‐interdecadal sea surface temperature variability along the western coast of South America A Montecinos, S Purca, O Pizarro Geophysical Research Letters 30 (11), 2003 | 106 | 2003 |
Global climatology of near‐inertial current characteristics from Lagrangian observations A Chaigneau, O Pizarro, W Rojas Geophysical Research Letters 35 (13), 2008 | 103 | 2008 |
Variabilidad del viento, nivel del mar y temperatura en la costa norte de Chile O PIZARRO, S HORMAZABAL, A GONZALEZ, E YAÑEZ Investigaciones marinas 22, 85-101, 1994 | 99 | 1994 |
Seasonal dynamics of the near‐surface alongshore flow off central Chile C Aguirre, Ó Pizarro, PT Strub, R Garreaud, JA Barth Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 117 (C1), 2012 | 98 | 2012 |
Tropical Pacific control of intraseasonal oscillations off Chile by way of oceanic and atmospheric pathways S Hormazabal, G Shaffer, O Pizarro Geophysical Research Letters 29 (6), 5-1-5-4, 2002 | 93 | 2002 |
El Niño sea level and currents along the South American coast: Comparison of observations with theory O Pizarro, AJ Clarke, S Van Gorder Journal of Physical Oceanography 31 (7), 1891-1903, 2001 | 92 | 2001 |
Surface circulation and fronts of the South Pacific Ocean, east of 120 W A Chaigneau, O Pizarro Geophysical Research Letters 32 (8), 2005 | 82 | 2005 |
Seasonal variability of primary production in a fjord ecosystem of the Chilean Patagonia: Implications for the transfer of carbon within pelagic food webs P Montero, G Daneri, HE Gonzalez, JL Iriarte, FJ Tapia, L Lizarraga, ... Continental Shelf Research 31 (3-4), 202-215, 2011 | 81 | 2011 |
Equatorial forcing of interannual Rossby waves in the eastern South Pacific A Vega, Y du‐Penhoat, B Dewitte, O Pizarro Geophysical Research Letters 30 (5), 2003 | 72 | 2003 |
Interdecadal variability of the thermocline along the west coast of South America O Pizarro, A Montecinos Geophysical Research Letters 31 (20), 2004 | 64 | 2004 |
Seasonal hydrography and surface outflow in a fjord with a deep sill: the Reloncaví fjord, Chile MI Castillo, U Cifuentes, O Pizarro, L Djurfeldt, M Caceres Ocean Science 12 (2), 533–544, 2016 | 48 | 2016 |