Nicola Fortune
Nicola Fortune
Research Fellow, Uniersity of Sydney
在 sydney.edu.au 的电子邮件经过验证
Loneliness, social support, social isolation and wellbeing among working age adults with and without disability: Cross-sectional study
E Emerson, N Fortune, G Llewellyn, R Stancliffe
Disability and health journal 14 (1), 100965, 2021
The definition, incidence and prevalence of acquired brain injury in Australia
N Fortune, X Wen
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 1999
The wellbeing of working-age adults with and without disability in the UK: associations with age, gender, ethnicity, partnership status, educational attainment and employment …
E Emerson, N Fortune, Z Aitken, C Hatton, R Stancliffe, G Llewellyn
Disability and health journal 13 (3), 100889, 2020
Use of a new international classification of health interventions for capturing information on health interventions relevant to people with disabilities
N Fortune, R Madden, AH Almborg
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (1), 145, 2018
Disability in Australia: acquired brain injury
L O'Rance, N Fortune
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2008
In search of an integrative measure of functioning
RH Madden, N Glozier, N Fortune, M Dyson, J Gilroy, A Bundy, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 12 (6 …, 2015
Fundamental questions before recording or measuring functioning and disability
R Madden, N Fortune, D Cheeseman, E Mpofu, A Bundy
Disability and rehabilitation 35 (13), 1092-1096, 2013
The Disability and Wellbeing Monitoring Framework: Data, data gaps, and policy implications
N Fortune, H Badland, S Clifton, E Emerson, J Rachele, RJ Stancliffe, ...
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 44 (3), 227-232, 2020
The definition and prevalence of physical disability in Australia
X Wen, N Fortune
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 1997
Health and access to health services for people with disability in Australia: data and data gaps
N Fortune, RH Madden, S Clifton
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (21), 11705, 2021
Participatory monitoring of community-based rehabilitation and other disability-inclusive development programmes: The development of a manual and menu
RH Madden, S Lukersmith, MJ Millington, C Scarf, N Fortune, S Hartley, ...
Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development 26 (4), 26-52, 2016
Current and future demand for specialist disability services
X Wen, N Fortune
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2007
Disability, Loneliness and Health in the UK: cross-sectional survey
E Emerson, R Stancliffe, N Fortune, G Llewellyn
European journal of public health 31 (3), 533-538, 2021
The International Classification of Health Interventions: an ‘epistemic hub’for use in public health
N Fortune, R Madden, T Riley, S Short
Health promotion international 36 (6), 1753-1764, 2021
Access to general practice for people with intellectual disability in Australia: a systematic scoping review
B Shea, J Bailie, SH Dykgraaf, N Fortune, N Lennox, R Bailie
BMC Primary Care 23 (1), 306, 2022
Area-level associations between built environment characteristics and disability prevalence in Australia: An ecological analysis
N Fortune, A Singh, H Badland, RJ Stancliffe, G Llewellyn
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (21), 7844, 2020
Embedding nursing interventions into the World Health Organization’s international classification of health interventions (ICHI)
N Fortune, NR Hardiker, G Strudwick
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 24 (4), 722-728, 2017
Lived Expertise and the Development of a Framework for Tracking the Social Determinants, Health, and Wellbeing of Australians with Disability.
S Clifton, N Fortune, G Llewellyn, RJ Stancliffe, P Williamson
Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 22 (1), 2020
Deinstitutionalisation: The Move Toward Community-Based Care
D Gibson, P Angus, D Braddock, N Fortune, H Johnstone, R Madden, ...
Australias Welfare 2001: Services and Assistance, 96-139, 2001
Coding acute stroke care and telestroke with the International Classification of Health Interventions (ICHI)
R Ohannessian, N Fortune, JM Rodrigues, T Moulin, L Derex, R Madden, ...
International Journal of Medical Informatics 108, 9-12, 2017
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