Luca Panziera
Luca Panziera
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NORA–Nowcasting of Orographic Rainfall by means of Analogues
L Panziera, U Germann, M Gabella, PV Mandapaka
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 137 (661), 2106-2123, 2011
The relation between airflow and orographic precipitation on the southern side of the Alps as revealed by weather radar
L Panziera, U Germann
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: A journal of the …, 2010
Can Lagrangian extrapolation of radar fields be used for precipitation nowcasting over complex Alpine orography?
PV Mandapaka, U Germann, L Panziera, A Hering
Weather and forecasting 27 (1), 28-49, 2012
Polarimetric radar and in situ observations of riming and snowfall microphysics during CLACE 2014
J Grazioli, G Lloyd, L Panziera, CR Hoyle, PJ Connolly, J Henneberger, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 (23), 13787-13802, 2015
A radar-based regional extreme rainfall analysis to derive the thresholds for a novel automatic alert system in Switzerland
L Panziera, M Gabella, S Zanini, A Hering, U Germann, A Berne
Hydrology and earth system sciences 20 (6), 2317-2332, 2016
Sensitivity of simulated wind speed to spatial resolution over complex terrain
L Giovannini, G Antonacci, D Zardi, L Laiti, L Panziera
Energy Procedia 59, 323-329, 2014
A 12‐year radar‐based climatology of daily and sub‐daily extreme precipitation over the Swiss Alps
L Panziera, M Gabella, U Germann, O Martius
International Journal of Climatology 38 (10), 3749-3769, 2018
The potential of radar-based ensemble forecasts for flash-flood early warning in the southern Swiss Alps
K Liechti, L Panziera, U Germann, M Zappa
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17 (10), 3853-3869, 2013
Retrieval of analogue radar images for ensemble nowcasting of orographic rainfall
L Foresti, L Panziera, PV Mandapaka, U Germann, A Seed
Meteorological Applications 22 (2), 141-155, 2015
A 10‐year radar‐based analysis of orographic precipitation growth and decay patterns over the Swiss Alpine region
L Foresti, IV Sideris, L Panziera, D Nerini, U Germann
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 144 (716), 2277-2301, 2018
Mesoscale organization and structure of orographic precipitation producing flash floods in the Lago Maggiore region
L Panziera, CN James, U Germann
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 141 (686), 224-248, 2015
Forecasting flash floods using data-based mechanistic models and NORA radar rainfall forecasts
PJ Smith, L Panziera, KJ Beven
Hydrological Sciences Journal 59 (7), 1403-1417, 2014
Diurnal cycle of precipitation over complex Alpine orography: inferences from high‐resolution radar observations
PV Mandapaka, U Germann, L Panziera
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 139 (673), 1025-1046, 2013
Reconstruction and simulation of an extreme flood event in the Lago Maggiore catchment in 1868
P Stucki, M Bandhauer, U Heikkilä, O Rössler, M Zappa, L Pfister, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 18 (10), 2717-2739, 2018
A solar atlas for the Trentino region in the Alps: quality control of surface radiation data
L Laiti, D Andreis, F Zottele, L Giovannini, L Panziera, G Toller, D Zardi
Energy Procedia 59, 336-343, 2014
The relation between circulation types and regional Alpine climate. Part I: synoptic climatology of Trentino.
L Panziera, L Giovannini, L Laiti, D Zardi
International Journal of Climatology 35 (15), 2015
MAP D-PHASE: demonstrating forecast capabilities for flood events in the Alpine region
M Arpagaus, MW Rotach, P Ambrosetti, F Ament, C Appenzeller, ...
Veröffentlichung MeteoSchweiz 78, 2009
A multi-sensor and modeling analysis of a severe convective storm in Lake Maggiore area (northwestern Italy)
E Avolio, L Nisi, L Panziera, L Peyraud, MM Miglietta
Atmospheric research 242, 105008, 2020
Flash-flood early warning using weather radar data: from nowcasting to forecasting.
K Liechti, L Panziera, U Germann, M Zappa
Hydrology & Earth System Sciences Discussions 10 (1), 2013
Mesoscale organization and structure of orographic precipitation producing flash floods in the Lago Maggiore region, QJ Roy. Meteor. Soc., 141, 224–248
L Panziera, CN James, U Germann
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