Andreas Boecker
Consumer valuation of functional foods and nutraceuticals in Canada. A conjoint study using probiotics
G Hailu, A Boecker, S Henson, J Cranfield
Appetite 52 (2), 257-265, 2009
Confidence lost and—partially—regained: consumer response to food scares
A Böcker, CH Hanf
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 43 (4), 471-485, 2000
Consumer demand sparks the growth of quality assurance schemes in the European food sector
ME Bredahl, JR Northen, A Boecker, MA Normile
Changing Structure of Global Food Consumption and Trade. Anita Regmi, 90, 2001
Eliciting consumer preferences for certified animal‐friendly foods: can elements of the theory of planned behavior improve choice experiment analysis?
G Nocella, A Boecker, L Hubbard, R Scarpa
Psychology & Marketing 29 (11), 850-868, 2012
On the linkages between traceability levels and expected and actual traceability costs and benefits in the Italian fishery supply chain
D Asioli, A Boecker, M Canavari
Food Control 46, 10-17, 2014
Product and marketing innovation in farm-based businesses: the role of entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation
O Mirzaei, ET Micheels, A Boecker
International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 19 (2), 99-130, 2016
How different are GM food accepters and rejecters really? A means-end chains application to yogurt in Germany
A Boecker, J Hartl, G Nocella
Food Quality and Preference 19 (4), 383-394, 2008
Consumer response to a food safety incident: exploring the role of supplier differentiation in an experimental study
A Böcker
European Review of Agricultural Economics 29 (1), 29-50, 2002
Perceived traceability costs and benefits in the Italian fisheries supply chain
D Asioli, A Boecker, M Canavari
International Journal on Food System Dynamics 2 (4), 340-356, 2011
Qualität von Nahrungsmitteln - Grundkonzepte, Kriterien, Handlungsmöglichkeiten
A Böcker, R Herrmann, M Gast, J Seidemann
Schriften zur internationalen Entwicklungs- und Umweltforschung, Band 8 …, 2004
Competitive strategies among Ontario farms marketing direct to consumers
ET Micheels, A Boecker
Agricultural and Food Economics 5, 1-23, 2017
Understanding the role of scientific evidence in consumer evaluation of natural health products for osteoarthritis an application of the means end chain approach
T Tsui, H Boon, A Boecker, N Kachan, M Krahn
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 12, 1-10, 2012
Use of natural health products: how does being “natural” affect choice?
H Boon, N Kachan, A Boecker
Medical Decision Making 33 (2), 282-297, 2013
Extending the Application of Experimental Methods in Economic Analysis of Food-Safety Issues: A Pilot Study on the Impact of Supply Side Characteristics on Consumer Response to …
A Böcker
Agrarökonomische Diskussionsbeiträge, Justus-Liebig Universitaet, Giessen …, 2002
Perception of Food Hazards–Exploring the Interaction of Gender and Experience in an Experimental Study
A Böcker
Agrarökonomische Diskussionsbeiträge, Justus-Liebig Universitaet, Giessen …, 2002
Personality traits, basic individual values and GMO risk perception of twitter users
N Whittingham, A Boecker, A Grygorczyk
Journal of Risk Research 23 (4), 522-540, 2020
Consumer acceptance of a new traceability technology: A discrete choice application to Ontario ginseng
A Lilavanichakul, A Boecker
International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 16 (4), 25-50, 2013
Extern segmentierte Laddering-Daten-Wann sind Segmentvergleiche zulässig und wann Unterschiede zwischen Segmenten signifikant? Ein Vorschlag für einen Homogenitätstest
A Böcker, J Hartl, C Kliebisch, J Engelken
Agrarökonomische Diskussionsbeiträge, Justus-Liebig Universitaet, Giessen …, 2005
Is European consumers' refusal of GM food a serious obstacle or a transient fashion?
CH Hanf, A Böcker
Market development for genetically modified foods, 49-54, 2001
BSE-Medienberichterstattung auf regionaler Ebene: Bestandteile, Entwicklung und Auswirkungen auf das Konsumentenverhalten
A Böcker, G Mahlau
Proceedings “Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts-und …, 1999
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