Tandra Fraser
Tandra Fraser
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
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Global soil biodiversity atlas.
A Orgiazzi, RD Bardgett, E Barrios
Organic phosphorus in the terrestrial environment: a perspective on the state of the art and future priorities
TS George, CD Giles, D Menezes-Blackburn, LM Condron, ...
Plant and Soil 427, 191-208, 2018
Linking alkaline phosphatase activity with bacterial phoD gene abundance in soil from a long-term management trial
T Fraser, DH Lynch, MH Entz, KE Dunfield
Geoderma 257, 115-122, 2015
Soil bacterial phoD gene abundance and expression in response to applied phosphorus and long-term management
TD Fraser, DH Lynch, E Bent, MH Entz, KE Dunfield
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 88, 137-147, 2015
Quantification of bacterial non-specific acid (phoC) and alkaline (phoD) phosphatase genes in bulk and rhizosphere soil from organically managed soybean fields
TD Fraser, DH Lynch, J Gaiero, K Khosla, KE Dunfield
Applied soil ecology 111, 48-56, 2017
Soil biodiversity integrates solutions for a sustainable future
EM Bach, KS Ramirez, TD Fraser, DH Wall
Sustainability 12 (7), 2662, 2020
Options for improved phosphorus cycling and use in agriculture at the field and regional scales
KD Schneider, JR Thiessen Martens, F Zvomuya, DK Reid, TD Fraser, ...
Journal of Environmental Quality 48 (5), 1247-1264, 2019
Identifying potential threats to soil biodiversity
M Tibbett, TD Fraser, S Duddigan
PeerJ 8, e9271, 2020
Long-term acidification of pH neutral grasslands affects soil biodiversity, fertility and function in a heathland restoration
M Tibbett, M Gil-Martínez, T Fraser, ID Green, S Duddigan, VH De Oliveira, ...
Catena 180, 401-415, 2019
Soil biodiversity and biogeochemical function in managed ecosystems
XD Chen, KE Dunfield, TD Fraser, SA Wakelin, AE Richardson, ...
Soil research 58 (1), 1-20, 2019
Validating novel oligonucleotide primers targeting three classes of bacterial non-specific acid phosphatase genes in grassland soils
JR Gaiero, E Bent, TD Fraser, LM Condron, KE Dunfield
Plant and soil 427, 39-51, 2018
The ‘known’genetic potential for microbial communities to degrade organic phosphorus is reduced in low‐pH soils
IDEA Lidbury, T Fraser, ARJ Murphy, DJ Scanlan, GD Bending, ...
MicrobiologyOpen 6 (4), e00474, 2017
Identification of extracellular glycerophosphodiesterases in Pseudomonas and their role in soil organic phosphorus remineralisation
IDEA Lidbury, ARJ Murphy, TD Fraser, GD Bending, AME Jones, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 2179, 2017
Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and extracellular soil enzyme responses to different land use
Y Uwituze, J Nyiraneza, TD Fraser, J Dessureaut-Rompré, N Ziadi, ...
Frontiers in Soil Science 2, 814554, 2022
Improving soil quality and potato productivity with manure and high-residue cover crops in Eastern Canada
J Nyiraneza, D Chen, T Fraser, LP Comeau
Plants 10 (7), 1436, 2021
Soil biodiversity integrates solutions for a sustainable future. Sustainability 12: 2662
EM Bach, KS Ramirez, TD Fraser, DH Wall
Plant, soil and faunal responses to a contrived pH gradient
S Duddigan, T Fraser, I Green, A Diaz, T Sizmur, M Tibbett
Plant and Soil 462, 505-524, 2021
Global Soil Biodiversity Atlas. Luxembourg: European Commission Publication Office of the European Union; 2016
A Orgiazzi, RD Bardgett, E Barrios, V Behan-Pelletier, MJI Briones, ...
Identifying potential threats to soil biodiversity. PeerJ 8: e9271
M Tibbett, TD Fraser, S Duddigan
Long‐term manure application effects on nutrients and selected enzymes involved in their cycling
J Nyiraneza, R Vernon, U Yvonne, TD Fraser, S Erin, S Fillmore, A Mills
Soil Science Society of America Journal 82 (6), 1404-1414, 2018
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