Orlando Ayala
Effects of turbulence on the geometric collision rate of sedimenting droplets. Part 1. Results from direct numerical simulation
O Ayala, B Rosa, LP Wang, WW Grabowski
New Journal of Physics 10 (7), 075015, 2008
Effects of turbulence on the geometric collision rate of sedimenting droplets. Part 2. Theory and parameterization
O Ayala, B Rosa, LP Wang
New Journal of Physics 10 (7), 075016, 2008
Theoretical formulation of collision rate and collision efficiency of hydrodynamically interacting cloud droplets in turbulent atmosphere
LP Wang, O Ayala, SE Kasprzak, WW Grabowski
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 62 (7), 2433-2450, 2005
Turbulent collision efficiency of heavy particles relevant to cloud droplets
LP Wang, O Ayala, B Rosa, WW Grabowski
New Journal of Physics 10 (7), 075013, 2008
Relative permeability of homogenous‐wet and mixed‐wet porous media as determined by pore‐scale lattice Boltzmann modeling
CJ Landry, ZT Karpyn, O Ayala
Water Resources Research 50 (5), 3672-3689, 2014
Parallel implementation and scalability analysis of 3D Fast Fourier Transform using 2D domain decomposition
O Ayala, LP Wang
Parallel Computing 39 (1), 58-77, 2013
A hybrid approach for simulating turbulent collisions of hydrodynamically-interacting particles
O Ayala, WW Grabowski, LP Wang
Journal of Computational Physics 225 (1), 51-73, 2007
Effects of stochastic coalescence and air turbulence on the size distribution of cloud droplets
LP Wang, Y Xue, O Ayala, WW Grabowski
Atmospheric research 82 (1-2), 416-432, 2006
Settling velocity of small inertial particles in homogeneous isotropic turbulence from high-resolution DNS
B Rosa, H Parishani, O Ayala, LP Wang
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 83, 217-231, 2016
Kinematic and dynamic collision statistics of cloud droplets from high-resolution simulations
B Rosa, H Parishani, O Ayala, WW Grabowski, LP Wang
New Journal of Physics 15 (4), 045032, 2013
Microstructural evolution of carbon nanotube fibers: Deformation and strength mechanism
X Liu, W Lu, OM Ayala, LP Wang, AM Karlsson, Q Yang, TW Chou
Nanoscale 5 (5), 2002-2008, 2013
Study of forced turbulence and its modulation by finite-size solid particles using the lattice Boltzmann approach
LP Wang, O Ayala, H Gao, C Andersen, KL Mathews
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 67 (2), 363-380, 2014
A direct numerical investigation of two-way interactions in a particle-laden turbulent channel flow
C Peng, OM Ayala, LP Wang
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 875, 1096-1144, 2019
Improved formulations of the superposition method
LP Wang, O Ayala, WW Grabowski
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 62 (4), 1255-1266, 2005
Turbulent collision-coalescence in maritime shallow convection
AA Wyszogrodzki, WW Grabowski, LP Wang, O Ayala
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (16), 8471-8487, 2013
A comparative study of immersed boundary method and interpolated bounce-back scheme for no-slip boundary treatment in the lattice Boltzmann method: Part I, laminar flows
C Peng, OM Ayala, LP Wang
Computers & Fluids 192, 104233, 2019
Effects of gravity on the acceleration and pair statistics of inertial particles in homogeneous isotropic turbulence
H Parishani, O Ayala, B Rosa, LP Wang, WW Grabowski
Physics of Fluids 27 (3), 2015
Comments on “Droplets to drops by turbulent coagulation”
LP Wang, O Ayala, Y Xue, WW Grabowski
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 63 (9), 2397-2401, 2006
Pore-scale lattice Boltzmann modeling and 4D X-ray computed microtomography imaging of fracture-matrix fluid transfer
CJ Landry, ZT Karpyn, O Ayala
Transport in porous media 103, 449-468, 2014
DNS of hydrodynamically interacting droplets in turbulent clouds: Parallel implementation and scalability analysis using 2D domain decomposition
O Ayala, H Parishani, L Chen, B Rosa, LP Wang
Computer Physics Communications 185 (12), 3269-3290, 2014
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