Bernardino Roig
High-order accurate time-stepping schemes for convection-diffusion problems
J Donea, B Roig, A Huerta
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 182 (3-4), 249-275, 2000
Time domain simulation of sound diffusers using finite-difference schemes
J Redondo, R Picó, B Roig, MR Avis
Acta acustica united with acustica 93 (4), 611-622, 2007
Time‐accurate solution of stabilized convection–diffusion–reaction equations: II—accuracy analysis and examples
A Huerta, B Roig, J Donea
Communications in numerical methods in engineering 18 (8), 575-584, 2002
One-step Taylor–Galerkin methods for convection–diffusion problems
B Roig
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 204 (1), 95-101, 2007
Rank-ordered differences statistic based switching vector filter
G Peris-Fajarnés, B Roig, A Vidal
Image Analysis and Recognition: Third International Conference, ICIAR 2006 …, 2006
Fuzzy averaging filter for impulse noise reduction in colour images with a correction step
V Gregori, S Morillas, B Roig, A Sapena
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 55, 518-528, 2018
Localised rank‐ordered differences vector filter for suppression of high‐density impulse noise in colour images
B Roig, VD Estruch
IET Image Processing 10 (1), 24-33, 2016
How to perform AMP? Cubic adjustments for improving the QoE
M Montagud, F Boronat, B Roig, A Sapena
Computer Communications 103, 61-73, 2017
Ultrasonic evaluation of the hydration degree of the orange peel
N Jiménez, R Picó, F Camarena, J Redondo, B Roig
Postharvest biology and technology 67, 130-137, 2012
High-order accurate time-stepping schemes for convection-diffusion problems
J Donea, B Roig, A Huerta
International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 1998
Developing a new tool based on a quantile regression mixed‐TGC model for optimizing gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L) farm management
VD Estruch, P Mayer, B Roig, M Jover
Aquaculture Research 48 (12), 5901-5912, 2017
Una propuesta de Recorrido de Estudio e Investigación (REI): Diseño, simulación y decisión de una estrategia de pesca sostenible
FJ Boigues Planes, VD Estruch Fuster, B Roig, A Vidal Meló
Modelling in Science Education and Learning 6 (2), 5-19, 2013
Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos en el Grado en Ingeniería de Sistemas de Telecomunicaciones, Sonido e Imagen
J Alba, R Del Rey, RB VIDAL A
Caso práctico del electroscópio como experiencia interdisciplinar entre …, 2015
Simulaci ón acústica de la Cueva del Parpalló mediante el método de elementos finitos
R Picó, L Hortelano Piqueras, B Roig, J Redondo, MA de Gandia
Referencia pacs 43, 2006
Fuzzy quasi-metrics for the Sorgenfrey line
V Gregori, S Morillas, B Roig
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 222, 98-107, 2013
Un modelo de transmisión de plagas para la enseñanza del álgebra lineal en el contexto de estudios en ciencias ambientales
FJB Planes, VD Estruch, B Roig, A Vidal
Modelling in science Education and learning 4, 105-117, 2011
Simulation of the sound propagation inside a wind instrument by means of the Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method
J Redondo, R Picó, B Roig
Proceedings in European Acoustics Association Symposium, Guimeraes, 2004
A characterization of p-complete fuzzy metric spaces
V Gregori, JJ Miñana, B Roig, A Sapena
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 444, 144-155, 2022
On completeness in metric spaces and fixed point theorems
V Gregori, JJ Miñana, B Roig, A Sapena
Results in Mathematics 73, 1-13, 2018
Errores, optimización y resolución numérica de sistemas
VG Gregori, BR Sala
Editorial de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 2015
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