Blanka Škrabić
Blanka Škrabić
Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism, Split, Croatia
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Determinants of bank profitability in Croatia
A Kundid, B Škrabić, R Ercegovac
Croatian operational research review 2 (1), 168-182, 2011
Determinants of manufacturing industry exports in European Union member states: a panel data analysis
M Basarac Sertić, V Vučković, B Škrabić Perić
Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja 28 (1), 384-397, 2015
A note on the “Economic policy uncertainty index”
BŠ Perić, P Sorić
Social Indicators Research 137, 505-526, 2018
The role of unesco cultural heritage and cultural sector in tourism development: The case of EU countries
B Škrabić Perić, B Šimundić, V Muštra, M Vugdelija
Sustainability 13 (10), 5473, 2021
Utjecaj stranog vlasništva banke na njezin kreditni rizik u zemljama srednje i istočne Europe: dinamički panel modeli
B Škrabić Perić
Ekonomski fakultet u Splitu, 2012
How did rapid credit growth cause non-performing loans in the CEE countries?
BS Peric, N Konjusak
South East European Journal of Economics and Business 12 (2), 73-84, 2017
The determinants of value of incoming cross-border mergers & acquisitions in European transition countries
J Višić, BŠ Perić
Communist and Post-Communist Studies 44 (3), 173-182, 2011
The Hybrid Phillips Curve: Empirical Evidence from Transition Economies.
M Basarac, B Škrabić, P Sorić
Finance a Uver: Czech Journal of Economics & Finance 61 (4), 2011
Credit risk of subsidiaries of foreign banks in CEE countries: Impacts of the parent bank and home country economic environment
BŠ Perić, AR Smiljanić, Z Aljinović
The North American Journal of Economics and Finance 46, 49-69, 2018
Role of tourism and hotel accommodation in house prices
BŠ Perić, AR Smiljanić, I Kežić
Annals of tourism research empirical insights 3 (1), 100036, 2022
Evidence of the long-run equilibrium between money demand determinants in Croatia
B Skrabic, N Tomic-Plazibat
International Journal of Human and Social Sciences 4 (16), 1177-1181, 2009
Regional inequalities in the European Union and the role of institutions
V Muštra, B Škrabić
Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies: Journal of the Applied …, 2014
Do the most frequently used dynamic panel data estimators have the best performance in a small sample? A Monte Carlo comparison
BŠ Perić
Croatian operational research review, 45-54, 2019
European integration in the light of business and consumer surveys
P Sorić, B Škrabić, M Čižmešija
Eastern European Economics 51 (2), 5-20, 2013
Determinante razvoja financijskog sustava zemalja središnje i istočne Europe
B Škrabić
Ekonomski fakultet, Zagreb, 2009
Cultural heritage sites, tourism and regional economic resilience
V Muštra, BŠ Perić, S Pivčević
Papers in regional science 102 (3), 465-482, 2023
Panel Garch model with cross-sectional dependence between CEE emerging markets in trading day effects analysis
J Arneric, B Scrabic-Peric
Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting 21 (4), 71-84, 2018
Comparative Analysis of the Stochastic and Parsimonious Interest Rates Models on Croatian Government Market
Z Aljinović, B Marasović, B Škrabić
International Journal of Business, Economics, Finance and Management …, 2009
Systemic competitiveness of post-socialist and capitalist economies: A broader look at the competitiveness debate
V Mačkić, B Škrabić Perić, P Sorić
Post-communist economies 26 (4), 477-497, 2014
Interest rates in Croatia-term structure and the influence of economic events
Z Aljinović, B Marasović, B Škrabić
Proceedings of the… International Conference on Operational Research 1, 89-102, 2010
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