Jeffrey Pretto
Jeffrey Pretto
John Hunter Hospital
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Assessment of functional capacity before major non-cardiac surgery: an international, prospective cohort study
DN Wijeysundera, RM Pearse, MA Shulman, TEF Abbott, E Torres, ...
The Lancet 391 (10140), 2631-2640, 2018
Dietary restriction and exercise improve airway inflammation and clinical outcomes in overweight and obese asthma: a randomized trial
HA Scott, PG Gibson, ML Garg, JJ Pretto, PJ Morgan, R Callister, ...
Clinical & Experimental Allergy 43 (1), 36-49, 2013
Measurement of FEF25–75% and FEF75% does not contribute to clinical decision making
PH Quanjer, DJ Weiner, JJ Pretto, DJ Brazzale, PW Boros
European Respiratory Journal 43 (4), 1051-1058, 2014
Implications of adopting the Global Lungs Initiative 2012 all-age reference equations for spirometry
PH Quanjer, DJ Brazzale, PW Boros, JJ Pretto
European Respiratory Journal 42 (4), 1046-1054, 2013
Grading the severity of airways obstruction: new wine in new bottles
PH Quanjer, JJ Pretto, DJ Brazzale, PW Boros
European Respiratory Journal 43 (2), 505-512, 2014
A randomised trial of domiciliary, ambulatory oxygen in patients with COPD and dyspnoea but without resting hypoxaemia
RP Moore, DJ Berlowitz, L Denehy, JJ Pretto, DJ Brazzale, K Sharpe, ...
Thorax 66 (1), 32-37, 2011
Resolution of gas exchange abnormalities and intrapulmonary shunting following liver transplantation
SE Battaglia, JJ Pretto, LB Irving, RM Jones, PW Angus
Hepatology 25 (5), 1228-1232, 1997
Clinical use of pulse oximetry: official guidelines from the T horacic S ociety of A ustralia and N ew Z ealand
JJ Pretto, T Roebuck, L Beckert, G Hamilton
Respirology 19 (1), 38-46, 2014
Head-down tilt and manual hyperinflation enhance sputum clearance in patients who are intubated and ventilated
S Berney, L Denehy, J Pretto
Australian Journal of Physiotherapy 50 (1), 9-14, 2004
Integration of the Duke Activity Status Index into preoperative risk evaluation: a multicentre prospective cohort study
DN Wijeysundera, WS Beattie, GS Hillis, TEF Abbott, MA Shulman, ...
British Journal of Anaesthesia 124 (3), 261-270, 2020
Predicting the risk of exacerbation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease using home telehealth measurement data
MS Mohktar, SJ Redmond, NC Antoniades, PD Rochford, JJ Pretto, ...
Artificial intelligence in medicine 63 (1), 51-59, 2015
Effect of singing on respiratory function, voice, and mood after quadriplegia: a randomized controlled trial
J Tamplin, FA Baker, D Grocke, DJ Brazzale, JJ Pretto, WR Ruehland, ...
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 94 (3), 426-434, 2013
Optimizing respiratory function assessments to elucidate the impact of obesity on respiratory health
DJ Brazzale, JJ Pretto, LM Schachter
Respirology 20 (5), 715-721, 2015
Should we treat obesity in COPD? The effects of diet and resistance exercise training
VM McDonald, PG Gibson, HA Scott, PJ Baines, MJ Hensley, JJ Pretto, ...
Respirology 21 (5), 875-882, 2016
Pilot study of remote telemonitoring in COPD
NC Antoniades, PD Rochford, JJ Pretto, RJ Pierce, J Gogler, J Steinkrug, ...
Telemedicine and e-Health 18 (8), 634-640, 2012
Using the 6-minute walk test to predict disability-free survival after major surgery
MA Shulman, BH Cuthbertson, DN Wijeysundera, RM Pearse, ...
British journal of anaesthesia 122 (1), 111-119, 2019
Threshold pressure training, breathing pattern, and exercise performance in chronic airflow obstruction
MG Flynn, CE Barter, JC Nosworthy, JJ Pretto, PD Rochford, RJ Pierce
Chest 95 (3), 535-540, 1989
Relationship between body composition, inflammation and lung function in overweight and obese asthma
HA Scott, PG Gibson, ML Garg, JJ Pretto, PJ Morgan, R Callister, ...
Respiratory research 13, 1-10, 2012
Is normobaric simulation of hypobaric hypoxia accurate in chronic airflow limitation?
MT Naughton, PD Rochford, JJ Pretto, RJ Pierce, NF Cain, LB Irving
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 152 (6), 1956-1960, 1995
Effects of sample storage time, temperature and syringe type on blood gas tensions in samples with high oxygen partial pressures.
JJ Pretto, PD Rochford
Thorax 49 (6), 610-612, 1994
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