Patrick M. Carr
Barley, oat, and cereal–pea mixtures as dryland forages in the northern Great Plains
PM Carr, RD Horsley, WW Poland
Agronomy journal 96 (3), 677-684, 2004
Potential of forages to diversify cropping systems in the Northern Great Plains
MH Entz, VS Baron, PM Carr, DW Meyer, SR Smith Jr, WP McCaughey
Agronomy Journal 94 (2), 240-250, 2002
Farming soils, not fields: A strategy for increasing fertilizer profitability
PM Carr, GR Carlson, JS Jacobsen, GA Nielsen, EO Skogley
Journal of Production Agriculture 4 (1), 57-61, 1991
Nitrogen economy of pulse crop production in the Northern Great Plains
FL Walley, GW Clayton, PR Miller, PM Carr, GP Lafond
Agronomy Journal 99 (6), 1710-1718, 2007
Forage and nitrogen yield of barley—Pea and oat—Pea intercrops
PM Carr, GB Martin, JS Caton, WW Poland
Agronomy Journal 90 (1), 79-84, 1998
Organic farming, soil health, and food quality: considering possible links
JR Reeve, LA Hoagland, JJ Villalba, PM Carr, A Atucha, C Cambardella, ...
Advances in agronomy 137, 319-367, 2016
Tillage and seeding rate effects on wheat cultivars: I. Grain production
PM Carr, RD Horsley, WW Poland
Crop science 43 (1), 202-209, 2003
Impacts of organic zero tillage systems on crops, weeds, and soil quality
PM Carr, GG Gramig, MA Liebig
Sustainability 5 (7), 3172-3201, 2013
Biomass yield, phenology, and survival of diverse switchgrass cultivars and experimental strains in western North Dakota
JD Berdahl, AB Frank, JM Krupinsky, PM Carr, JD Hanson, HA Johnson
Agronomy Journal 97 (2), 549-555, 2005
Tillage and seeding rate effects on wheat cultivars: II. Yield components
PM Carr, RD Horsley, WW Poland
Crop Science 43 (1), 210-218, 2003
Grain yield and weed biomass of a wheat–lentil intercrop
PM Carr, JJ Gardner, BG Schatz, SW Zwinger, SJ Guldan
Agronomy Journal 87 (3), 574-579, 1995
Organic zero-till in the northern US Great Plains Region: Opportunities and obstacles
PM Carr, RL Anderson, YE Lawley, PR Miller, SF Zwinger
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 27 (1), 12-20, 2012
Overview and comparison of conservation tillage practices and organic farming in Europe and North America
PM Carr, P Mäder, NG Creamer, JS Beeby
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 27 (1), 2-6, 2012
Wheat cultivar performance on certified organic fields in Minnesota and North Dakota
PM Carr, HJ Kandel, PM Porter, RD Horsley, SF Zwinger
Crop Science 46 (5), 1963-1971, 2006
Sustainable agriculture research and education in the field: A proceedings
National Research Council
National Academies Press, 1991
Green and animal manure use in organic field crop systems
PM Carr, MA Cavigelli, H Darby, K Delate, JO Eberly, HK Fryer, ...
Agronomy Journal 112 (2), 648-674, 2020
Potential carbon sequestration and nitrogen cycling in long-term organic management systems
A Bhowmik, AM Fortuna, LJ Cihacek, AI Bary, PM Carr, CG Cogger
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 32 (6), 498-510, 2017
Potential of fanweed [Thlaspi arvense] and other weeds as novel industrial oilseed crops.
PM Carr
Guest editorial: conservation tillage for organic farming
PM Carr
Agriculture 7 (3), 19, 2017
Forage legume regeneration from the soil seed bank in western North Dakota
PM Carr, WW Poland, LJ Tisor
Agronomy Journal 97 (2), 505-513, 2005
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