Public policy for the poor? A randomised assessment of the Mexican universal health insurance programme G King, E Gakidou, K Imai, J Lakin, RT Moore, C Nall, N Ravishankar, ... The lancet 373 (9673), 1447-1454, 2009 | 461 | 2009 |
The essential role of pair matching in cluster-randomized experiments, with application to the Mexican universal health insurance evaluation K Imai, G King, C Nall | 366 | 2009 |
Why partisans do not sort: The constraints on political segregation J Mummolo, C Nall The Journal of Politics 79 (1), 45-59, 2017 | 246 | 2017 |
Obstacles to estimating voter ID laws’ effect on turnout J Grimmer, E Hersh, M Meredith, J Mummolo, C Nall The Journal of Politics 80 (3), 1045-1051, 2018 | 155* | 2018 |
The political consequences of spatial policies: How interstate highways facilitated geographic polarization C Nall The Journal of Politics 77 (2), 394-406, 2015 | 153* | 2015 |
The primacy of race in the geography of income‐based voting: New evidence from public voting records ED Hersh, C Nall American Journal of Political Science 60 (2), 289-303, 2016 | 139 | 2016 |
The complications of controlling agency time discretion: FDA review deadlines and postmarket drug safety D Carpenter, J Chattopadhyay, S Moffitt, C Nall American Journal of Political Science 56 (1), 98-114, 2012 | 123 | 2012 |
Where self-interest trumps ideology: liberal homeowners and local opposition to housing development W Marble, C Nall The Journal of Politics 83 (4), 1747-1763, 2021 | 112* | 2021 |
Current research overstates American support for political violence SJ Westwood, J Grimmer, M Tyler, C Nall Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (12), e2116870119, 2022 | 104 | 2022 |
The road to inequality: how the federal highway program polarized america and undermined cities C Nall Cambridge University Press, 2018 | 64 | 2018 |
Paths of recruitment: Rational social prospecting in petition canvassing C Nall, B Schneer, D Carpenter American Journal of Political Science 62 (1), 192-209, 2018 | 16 | 2018 |
Rejoinder: Matched pairs and the future of cluster-randomized experiments K Imai, G King, C Nall Statistical Science 24 (1), 65-72, 2009 | 16 | 2009 |
What Did Interstate Highways Do to Urban Neighborhoods? C Nall, ZP O’Keeffe Unpublished working paper, 2018 | 12 | 2018 |
Folk economics and the persistence of political opposition to new housing C Nall, CS Elmendorf, S Oklobdzija Available at SSRN 4266459, 2022 | 10 | 2022 |
Reply to Kalmoe and Mason: The pitfalls of using surveys to measure low-prevalence attitudes and behavior SJ Westwood, J Grimmer, M Tyler, C Nall Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (32), e2207584119, 2022 | 7 | 2022 |
Building Inequality: The Permanence of Infrastructure and the Limits of Democratic Representation S Ejdemyr, C Nall, Z O’Keefe Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association, 1-50, 2015 | 5 | 2015 |
Deadline effects in regulatory drug review: a methodological and empirical analysis D Carpenter, J Bowers, J Grimmer, S Moffitt, C Nall, EJ Zucker Defending-Science. org, March, 2007 | 5 | 2007 |
Gompers’s Ghost and Labor’s New Look C Nall Washington Post 4, 2005 | 5 | 2005 |
The Permanence of Infrastructure and the Limits of Democratic Representation S Ejdemyr, C Nall, Z O’Keeffe Working paper. Available at http://www. stanford. edu/~ nall/docs/di. pdf, 2017 | 2 | 2017 |
No Democratic Roads or Republican Roads: Partisanship and the Making of Transportation Policy Attitudes CM Nall, H Nixon, AW Agrawal Transportation Research Board 96th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2017 | 2 | 2017 |