Sophie Baudat
Sophie Baudat
UniDistance Switzerland
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When do adolescents accept or defy to maternal prohibitions? The role of social domain and communication style
S Van Petegem, M Vansteenkiste, B Soenens, G Zimmermann, ...
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 46, 1022-1037, 2017
Parental solicitation and adolescents’ information management: The moderating role of autonomy-supportive parenting
S Baudat, S Van Petegem, JP Antonietti, G Zimmermann
Journal of Child and Family Studies 29, 426-441, 2020
Adolescents' responses to parental regulation: The role of communication style and self-determination
S Van Petegem, M Zimmer-Gembeck, S Baudat, B Soenens, ...
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 65, 101073, 2019
Intimacy Development in Late Adolescence: Longitudinal Associations with Perceived Parental Autonomy Support and Adolescents’ Self-Worth.
S Van Petegem, MJ Zimmer-Gembeck, S Baudat, K Brenning, W Beyers
Journal of Adolescence 65, 111-122, 2018
Conduites à risque à l’adolescence: Manifestations typiques du développement identitaire?
G Zimmermann, MB Carvalhosa, GA Sznitman, S Van Petegem, S Baudat, ...
Enfance 2, 239-261, 2017
The role of maternal communication style in adolescents’ motivation to change alcohol use: A vignette-based study
S Baudat, G Zimmermann, JP Antonietti, S Van Petegem
Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 24 (2), 152-162, 2017
Assessing Online and Offline Adolescent Social Skills: Development and Validation of the Real and Electronic Communication Skills Questionnaire
G Mantzouranis, S Baudat, G Zimmermann
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 22 (6), 404-411, 2019
How Do Adolescents Manage Information in the Relationship with Their Parents? A Latent Class Analysis of Disclosure, Keeping Secrets, and Lying
S Baudat, G Mantzouranis, S Van Petegem, G Zimmermann
Journal of youth and adolescence 51 (6), 1134-1152, 2022
Developmental changes in secrecy during middle adolescence: Links with alcohol use and perceived controlling parenting
S Baudat, S Van Petegem, JP Antonietti, G Albert Sznitman, ...
Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 2020
Trajectories of perceived parenting across an educational transition: Associations with psychosocial adjustment and identity development among Swiss adolescents.
G Albert Sznitman, JP Antonietti, S Van Petegem, SJ Schwartz, S Baudat, ...
Developmental psychology 58 (8), 1557, 2022
Interdit d’interdire? Vers une meilleure compréhension de l’autonomie et des règles au sein des relations parents-adolescents.
S Van Petegem, S Baudat, G Zimmermann
Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne 60 (3), 194, 2019
Screening for alcohol use disorder among individuals with comorbid psychiatric disorders: Diagnostic accuracy in a sample of young Swiss men
S Baggio, S Baudat, JB Daeppen, G Gmel, P Heller, N Perroud, S Rothen, ...
Addictive Behaviors 106, 106354, 2020
"Où étais-tu et avec qui?" Les informations communiquées aux parents par les adolescents : un état de la littérature
S Baudat, S Van Petegem, G Zimmermann
Enfance, 259-290, 2018
L’argent en un clic: les jeunes Suisses inégaux devant leurs écrans
S Baudat, C Henchoz
The Conversation, 2021
Development of alcohol use disorder in young Swiss men: the influence of retrospectively perceived parenting profiles
S Baudat, K Iglesias, J Studer, G Gmel, S Baggio
Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 28 (6), 567-577, 2021
Harcèlement de rue en ville de Fribourg: rapport de recherche
M Carbajal, E Fridez, S Baudat, V De Techtermann
Haute école de travail social Fribourg, 2020
Money in one click: Inequalities in digital financial practices and digital Skills among emerging adults in Switzerland
S Baudat, C Henchoz
Journal of Family and Economic Issues 44 (3), 602-618, 2023
Les jeunes, leur argent, et Internet: synthèse des résultats de l’étude «Les jeunes et l’argent dématérialisé. Quels apprentissages, compétences, limitations et quels enjeux …
C Henchoz, S Baudat
Haute école de travail social et de la santé Lausanne (HETSL), 2022
Les adolescent· es, Internet et leur argent
C Henchoz, S Baudat, A Suppa
Haute école de travail social et de la santé Lausanne (HETSL), 2022
Parents d’adolescent· e· s à Lausanne: Quels besoins de soutien à la parentalité?(Rapport final du projet INTERACT 2019)
S Baudat, G Zimmermann, F Brodard, C Attinger
Ville de Lausanne et Université de Lausanne, 2020
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