Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: Visions of future systems and how to get there I Fazey, N Schäpke, G Caniglia, A Hodgson, I Kendrick, C Lyon, G Page, ... Energy research & social science 70, 101724, 2020 | 254 | 2020 |
Sustainable agroforestry landscape management: Changing the game M van Noordwijk, E Speelman, GJ Hofstede, A Farida, AY Abdurrahim, ... Land 9 (8), 243, 2020 | 62* | 2020 |
Opportunities in community-government cooperation to maintain marine ecosystem services in the Asia-Pacific and Oceania H Ross, DS Adhuri, AY Abdurrahim, A Phelan Ecosystem Services 38, 100969, 2019 | 38 | 2019 |
Community forest (Hkm) collaborative scheme as a solution to conflict management of Sesaot Forest, West Lombok AY Abdurrahim Sodality: Jurnal of Rural Sociology 3 (03), 91-100, 2015 | 34* | 2015 |
Kerentanan Ekologi dan Strategi Penghidupan Pertanian Masyarakat Desa Persawahan Tadah Hujan di Pantura Indramayu (Ecological Vulnerability and Strategies of Agricultural … AY Abdurrahim, AH Dharmawan, S Sunito, IM Sudiana Jurnal Kependudukan Indonesia 1 (3), 25-46, 2014 | 32* | 2014 |
Quantitative decision support tools facilitate social-ecological alignment in community-based marine protected area design NC Krueck, A Abudrrahim, DS Adhuri, PJ Mumby, H Ross Ecology and Soeciety 24 (4), 6, 2019 | 22 | 2019 |
STRATEGI PENGURANGAN KEMISKINAN DI DESA-DESA SEKITAR HUTAN Pengembangan Model PHBM dan HKm GB Aji, J Suryanto, R Yulianti, A Wirati, AY Abdurrahim, TI Miranda Pusat Penelitian Kependudukan, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia., 2014 | 17* | 2014 |
Mimicking nature to reduce agricultural impact on water cycles: A set of mimetrics M Van Noordwijk, P van Oel, C Muthuri, U Satnarain, RR Sari, P Rosero, ... Outlook on Agriculture 51 (1), 114-128, 2022 | 14 | 2022 |
Poverty reduction in villages around the forest: The development of social forestry model and poverty reduction policies in Indonesia (The Policy Paper) GB Aji, J Suryanto, R Yulianti, A Wirati, AY Abdurrahim, TI Miranda Jakarta: Research Center for Population, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, 2014 | 14* | 2014 |
Community champions of ecosystem services: The role of local agency in protecting Indonesian coral reefs AY Abdurrahim, DS Adhuri, H Ross, A Phelan Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10 (868218), 1-20, 2022 | 12* | 2022 |
Analysing fisheries conflict with the FishCollab'conflict mapping'toolkit: lessons from Selayar, Indonesia AY Abdurrahim, H Ross, DS Adhuri | 12* | 2020 |
Kerentanan ekologi dan strategi penghidupan rumah tangga petani di pantai utara Indramayu AY Abdurrahim Bogor: Institut Pertanian Bogor, 2015 | 11 | 2015 |
Relational and instrumental values of tropical peat landscapes: morality and political ecology in Indonesia AY Abdurrahim, AH Dharmawan, S Adiwibowo, H Yogaswara, ... Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 64, 101318, 2023 | 10 | 2023 |
Collective action in lake management (CALM): An Indonesian stocktake AY Abdurrahim, F Farida, RR Sari, M Van Noordwijk, H Yogaswarai, ... IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 789 (1), 012039, 2021 | 10 | 2021 |
Protected spring and sacred forest institutions at the instrumental—relational value interface AL Hakim, DD Saputra, L Tanika, IA Kusumawati, RR Sari, F Andreotti, ... Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 62, 101292, 2023 | 9 | 2023 |
Biodiversity and social aspects of the Sawo-Lahewa Marine Protected Area, North Nias: a social-ecological mapping AY Abdurrahim, RM Siringoringo, M Abrar, NWP Sari IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 584 (1), 012002, 2020 | 6* | 2020 |
Resiliensi penduduk menghadapi perubahan lingkungan yang berdampak pada bencana AY Abdurrahim, D Hidayati, IAP Putri, H Yogaswara, APS Prasojo Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia, 2020 | 6 | 2020 |
Radio sebagai media sosialisasi perubahan iklim AY Abdurrahim Perubahan iklim: Upaya peningkatan pengetahuan dan adaptasi petani dan …, 2012 | 6* | 2012 |
Socio-economic analysis of traditional diamond mining community in Banjarbaru City, South Kalimantan N Akmiyati, RM Damoiko, R Ulfah, H Najmi, AY Abdurrahim, ... IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 572 (1), 012046, 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
Community Resilience in Dealing with Flood and Haze in Jambi Province, Indonesia AY Abdurrahim, D Hidayati, IAP Putri, AP Prasojo, HY Yogaswara Proceeding Book Vol 1 The 6th Annual Scientific Meeting on Disaster Research …, 2019 | 4 | 2019 |