Exacting beauty: Theory, assessment and treatment of body image disturbance JK Thompson, LJ Heinberg, M Altabe, S Tantleff-Dunn American Psychological Association, 1999 | 4487 | 1999 |
Thin-ideal internalization: Mounting evidence for a new risk factor for body-image disturbance and eating pathology JK Thompson, E Stice Current directions in psychological science 10 (5), 181-183, 2001 | 2159 | 2001 |
The sociocultural attitudes towards appearance scale‐3 (SATAQ‐3): Development and validation JK Thompson, P Van Den Berg, M Roehrig, AS Guarda, LJ Heinberg International journal of eating disorders 35 (3), 293-304, 2004 | 1608 | 2004 |
Development and validation of the sociocultural attitudes towards appearance questionnaire LJ Heinberg, JK Thompson, S Stormer International Journal of Eating Disorders 17 (1), 81-89, 1995 | 1409 | 1995 |
An evaluation of the Tripartite Influence Model of body dissatisfaction and eating disturbance with adolescent girls H Keery, P Van den Berg, JK Thompson Body image 1 (3), 237-251, 2004 | 1143 | 2004 |
Body image disturbance: Assessment and treatment. JK Thompson Pergamon Press, 1990 | 1132 | 1990 |
Body image and televised images of thinness and attractiveness: A controlled laboratory investigation LJ Heinberg, JK Thompson Journal of social and clinical psychology 14 (4), 325-338, 1995 | 1110 | 1995 |
Body image and body shape ideals in magazines: Exposure, awareness, and internalization DL Cusumano, JK Thompson Sex roles 37, 701-721, 1997 | 967 | 1997 |
The media's influence on body image disturbance and eating disorders: We've reviled them, now can we rehabilitate them? JK Thompson, LJ Heinberg Journal of social issues 55 (2), 339-353, 1999 | 911 | 1999 |
The tripartite influence model of body image and eating disturbance: A covariance structure modeling investigation testing the mediational role of appearance comparison P Van den Berg, JK Thompson, K Obremski-Brandon, M Coovert Journal of psychosomatic research 53 (5), 1007-1020, 2002 | 814 | 2002 |
The influence of sociocultural factors on body image: A meta-analysis. G Cafri, Y Yamamiya, M Brannick, JK Thompson Clinical Psychology: science and practice 12 (4), 421, 2005 | 754 | 2005 |
Pursuit of the muscular ideal: Physical and psychological consequences and putative risk factors G Cafri, JK Thompson, L Ricciardelli, M McCabe, L Smolak, C Yesalis Clinical psychology review 25 (2), 215-239, 2005 | 718 | 2005 |
Development of body image, eating disturbance, and general psychological functioning in female adolescents: Covariance structure modeling and longitudinal investigations JK Thompson, MD Coovert, KJ Richards, S Johnson, J Cattarin International Journal of Eating Disorders 18 (3), 221-236, 1995 | 691 | 1995 |
Development and validation of the sociocultural attitudes towards appearance questionnaire-4 (SATAQ-4). LM Schaefer, NL Burke, JK Thompson, RF Dedrick, LJ Heinberg, ... Psychological assessment 27 (1), 54, 2015 | 663 | 2015 |
A three-year longitudinal study of body image, eating disturbance, and general psychological functioning in adolescent females JA Cattarin, JK Thompson Eating Disorders 2 (2), 114-125, 1994 | 651 | 1994 |
Explanations of body image disturbance: A test of maturational status, negative verbal commentary, social comparison, and sociocultural hypotheses SM Stormer, JK Thompson International Journal of Eating Disorders 19 (2), 193-202, 1996 | 646 | 1996 |
Body image, mood, and televised images of attractiveness: The role of social comparison JA Cattarin, JK Thompson, C Thomas, R Williams Journal of social and clinical psychology 19 (2), 220-239, 2000 | 632 | 2000 |
Body image and eating disturbance in young females LJ Fabian, JK Thompson International Journal of Eating Disorders 8 (1), 63-74, 1989 | 615 | 1989 |
Body image, social comparison, and eating disturbance: A covariance structure modeling investigation JK Thompson, MD Coovert, SM Stormer International Journal of Eating Disorders 26 (1), 43-51, 1999 | 614 | 1999 |
The (mis) measurement of body image: ten strategies to improve assessment for applied and research purposes JK Thompson Body image 1 (1), 7-14, 2004 | 579 | 2004 |