Ali Gohary
Ali Gohary
La Trobe Business School, La Trobe University
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Examining Iranian tourists’ memorable experiences on destination satisfaction and behavioral intentions
A Gohary, L Pourazizi, F Madani, EY Chan
Current Issues in Tourism 23 (2), 131-136, 2020
Personality traits as predictors of shopping motivations and behaviors: a canonical correlation analysis
A Gohary, KH Hanzaee
Arab Economic and Business Journal 9 (2), 166-174, 2014
Please explain why it happened! How perceived justice and customer involvement affect post co-recovery evaluations: A study of Iranian online shoppers
A Gohary, B Hamzelu, H Alizadeh
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 31, 127-142, 2016
Understanding effects of co-creation on cognitive, affective and behavioral evaluations in service recovery: An ethnocultural analysis
A Gohary, B Hamzelu, L Pourazizi, KH Hanzaee
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 31, 182-198, 2016
A little bit more value creation and a lot of less value destruction! Exploring service recovery paradox in value context: A study in travel industry
A Gohary, B Hamzelu, L Pourazizi
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 29, 189-203, 2016
Modeling customer knowledge management to make value co-creation
A Gohary, B Hamzelu
Business Information Review 33 (1), 19-27, 2016
Does involvement shapes consumers' response to product failure?
B Hamzelu, A Gohary, S Ghafoori Nia, K Heidarzadeh Hanzaee
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 29 (2), 283-304, 2017
Political ideology and fair-trade consumption: A social dominance orientation perspective
A Gohary, F Madani, EY Chan, S Tavallaei
Journal of Business Research 156, 113535, 2023
Do political actions affect country image and travel intentions? The case of COVID-19
A Gohary, A Shah, EY Chan
Tourism Recreation Research, 1-14, 2022
Benefits and challenges of online collaborative learning from the perspectives of non-traditional event management students: a comparison between asynchronous and synchronous …
S Jung, HW Shin, A Gohary, EY Chan
Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism 23 (2), 109-129, 2023
To whom does destination anthropomorphism appeal? Power and perceived control
E Chan, A Gohary
Journal of Travel Research 62 (4), 859-877, 2023
Motivations behind visiting unplanned tourist attractions: an Iranian context
F Madani, A Gohary, EY Chan
Current Issues in Tourism 23 (8), 947-951, 2020
How co-creation uplift suggestion systems’ performance: experimental studies in customer and employee sections
A Gohary, H Alizadeh, K Heidarzadeh Hanzaee
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration 8 (2), 197-222, 2016
Are Concave Ads More Persuasive? The Role of Immersion
L Wang, A Gohary, EY Chan
Journal of Advertising 53 (2), 230-241, 2024
God salience and tourists' pro-environmental behavior
A Gohary, A Shah, SR Hosseini, EY Chan, F Madani
Annals of Tourism Research, 103318, 2022
Looking for negativity! How review sentiment and review subjectivity form review helpfulness across cultures
A Shah, A Gohary, D Lie
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 23 (3), 1193-1207, 2024
Consumers’ attributions in performance-and values-related brand crises
L Wang, EY Chan, A Gohary
European Journal of Marketing 57 (12), 3162-3181, 2023
A comparative analysis of financial and nonfinancial rewards on work motivation and knowledge sharing in a postpandemic era
M Vesal, A Gohary, MH Rahmati
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 39 (9), 2021-2037, 2024
Trump’s Been Found Guilty. Will It Hurt His Election Chances?| The Tyee
E Chan, A Gohary
The Tyee, 2024
With God on My Side, I have no Fear of Ultra-processed Foods: The Roles of Perceived Healing and Interventions
A Gohary
Monash University, 2022
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