A civic republican justification for the bureaucratic state M Seidenfeld Harvard Law Review 105, 1511-1576, 1992 | 772 | 1992 |
Demystifying deossification: rethinking recent proposals to modify judicial review of notice and comment rulemaking M Seidenfeld Texas Law Review 75, 483-524, 1997 | 346 | 1997 |
A Syncopated Chevron: Emphasizing Reasoned Decisionmaking in Reviewing Agency Interpretations of Statutes M Seidenfeld Texas Law Review 73, 83-138, 1994 | 306 | 1994 |
Cognitive Loafing, Social Conformity, and Judicial Review of Agency Rulemaking M Seidenfeld Cornell L. Rev. 87, 486 - 548, 2001 | 282 | 2001 |
Administrative Law's Federalism: Preemption, Delegation, and Agencies at the Edge of Federal Power B Galle, M Seidenfeld Duke LJ 57, 1933, 2007 | 192 | 2007 |
Bending the rules: Flexible regulation and constraints on agency discretion M Seidenfeld Admin. L. Rev. 51, 429, 1999 | 191 | 1999 |
Empowering Stakeholders: Limits on Collaboration as the Basis for Flexible Regulation M Seidenfeld William & Mary Law Review 41, 411-501, 2000 | 185 | 2000 |
The psychology of accountability and political review of agency rules M Seidenfeld Duke LJ 51, 1059, 2001 | 122 | 2001 |
Substituting substantive for procedural review of guidance documents M Seidenfeld Tex. L. Rev. 90, 331, 2011 | 119 | 2011 |
The Role of Politics in a Deliberative Model of the Administrative State M Seidenfeld Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 81, 1397, 2013 | 103 | 2013 |
A Big Picture Approach to Presidential Influence on Agency Policy-Making M Seidenfeld Iowa Law Review 80, 1-50, 1994 | 103 | 1994 |
Why agencies act: a reassessment of the ossification critique of judicial review M Seidenfeld Ohio St. LJ 70, 251, 2009 | 102 | 2009 |
The irrelevance of politics for arbitrary and capricious review M Seidenfeld Wash. UL Rev. 90, 141, 2012 | 91 | 2012 |
Chevron's Foundation M Seidenfeld Notre Dame L. Rev. 86, 273, 2011 | 88 | 2011 |
A Table of Requirements for Federal Administrative Rulemaking M Seidenfeld Fla. St. UL Rev. 27, 533, 1999 | 82 | 1999 |
Friendship of the People: Citizen Participation in Environmental Enforcement, The M Seidenfeld, JS Nugent Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 73, 269, 2004 | 61 | 2004 |
The False Promise of the New Nondelegation Doctrine M Seidenfeld, J Rossi Notre Dame L. Rev. 76, 1, 2000 | 55 | 2000 |
Playing Games with the Timing of Judicial Review: An Evaluation of Proposals to Restrict Pre-enforcement Review of Agency Rules M Seidenfeld Ohio St. LJ 58, 85, 1997 | 44 | 1997 |
Hard Look Review in a World of Techno-Bureaucratic Decisionmaking: A Reply to Professor McGarity M Seidenfeld Tex. L. Rev. 75, 559, 1996 | 35 | 1996 |
An Apology for Administrative Law in The Contracting State M Seidenfeld Fla. St. UL Rev. 28, 215, 2000 | 31 | 2000 |