Seung Jun Shin
Seung Jun Shin
Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, Korea University,
在 korea.ac.kr 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Characterizing genetic intra-tumor heterogeneity across 2,658 human cancer genomes
SC Dentro, I Leshchiner, K Haase, M Tarabichi, J Wintersinger, ...
Cell 184 (8), 2239-2254. e39, 2021
Principal weighted support vector machines for sufficient dimension reduction in binary classification
SJ Shin, Y Wu, HH Zhang, Y Liu
Biometrika 104 (1), 67-81, 2017
Probability‐enhanced sufficient dimension reduction for binary classification
SJ Shin, Y Wu, HH Zhang, Y Liu
Biometrics 70 (3), 546-555, 2014
Penetrance of Different Cancer Types in Families with Li-Fraumeni Syndrome: A Validation Study Using Multicenter CohortsCancer-Specific Penetrance in LFS
SJ Shin, EB Dodd-Eaton, G Peng, J Bojadzieva, J Chen, CI Amos, ...
Cancer research 80 (2), 354-360, 2020
Penalized principal logistic regression for sparse sufficient dimension reduction
SJ Shin, A Artemiou
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 111, 48-58, 2017
Real-time sufficient dimension reduction through principal least squares support vector machines
A Artemiou, Y Dong, SJ Shin
Pattern Recognition 112, 107768, 2021
Principal quantile regression for sufficient dimension reduction with heteroscedasticity
C Wang, SJ Shin, Y Wu
Electronic Journal of Statistics 12 (2), 2114-2140, 2018
Principal weighted logistic regression for sufficient dimension reduction in binary classification
B Kim, SJ Shin
Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 48 (2), 194-206, 2019
Bayesian estimation of a semiparametric recurrent event model with applications to the penetrance estimation of multiple primary cancers in Li-Fraumeni Syndrome
J Li, SJ Shin, J Ning, J Bojadzieva, LC Strong, W Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.06883, 2018
Two-dimensional solution surface for weighted support vector machines
SJ Shin, Y Wu, HH Zhang
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 23 (2), 383-402, 2014
Penetrance Estimates Over Time to First and Second Primary Cancer Diagnosis in Families with Li-Fraumeni Syndrome: A Single Institution PerspectiveMultiple Primary Cancer …
SJ Shin, EB Dodd-Eaton, F Gao, J Bojadzieva, J Chen, X Kong, CI Amos, ...
Cancer research 80 (2), 347-353, 2020
Bayesian Semiparametric Estimation of Cancer-specific Age-at-onset Penetrance with Application to Li-Fraumeni Syndrome
SJ Shin, Y Yuan, LC Strong, J Bojadzieva, W Wang
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1-32, 2018
Association between in vitro fertilization success rate and ambient air pollution: a possible explanation of within-year variation of in vitro fertilization success rate
J Kang, JY Lee, H Song, SJ Shin, J Kim
Obstetrics & Gynecology Science 63 (1), 72-79, 2020
A nonparametric survival function estimator via censored kernel quantile regressions
SJ Shin, HH Zhang, Y Wu
Statistica Sinica, 457-478, 2017
A forward approach for sufficient dimension reduction in binary classification
J Kang, SJ Shin
Journal of Machine Learning Research 23 (199), 1-31, 2022
Quantile-slicing estimation for dimension reduction in regression
H Kim, Y Wu, SJ Shin
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 198, 1-12, 2019
Stability approach to selecting the number of principal components
J Song, SJ Shin
Computational Statistics 33 (4), 1923-1938, 2018
A comparative study of the dose-response analysis with application to the target dose estimation
SJ Shin, SK Ghosh
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 11, 145-162, 2017
Principal weighted least square support vector machine: An online dimension-reduction tool for binary classification
HJ Jang, SJ Shin, A Artemiou
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 187, 107818, 2023
The regularization paths for the ROC-optimizing support vector machines
D Kim, SJ Shin
Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 49 (1), 264-275, 2020
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