Michael A. Fisher
Michael A. Fisher
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Clausal temporal resolution
M Fisher, C Dixon, M Peim
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL) 2 (1), 12-56, 2001
Seismic evidence for widespread serpentinized forearc upper mantle along the Cascadia margin
TM Brocher, T Parsons, AM Tréhu, CM Snelson, MA Fisher
Geology 31 (3), 267-270, 2003
Trans-Alaska Crustal Transect and continental evolution involving subduction underplating and synchronous foreland thrusting
GS Fuis, TE Moore, G Plafker, TM Brocher, MA Fisher, WD Mooney, ...
Geology 36 (3), 267-270, 2008
Upregulation of basement membrane–degrading metalloproteinase secretion after balloon injury of pig carotid arteries
KM Southgate, M Fisher, AP Banning, VJ Thurston, AH Baker, ...
Circulation research 79 (6), 1177-1187, 1996
Structure of a growing accretionary prism, Hikurangi margin, New Zealand
FJ Davey, M Hampton, J Childs, MA Fisher, K Lewis, JR Pettinga
Geology 14 (8), 663-666, 1986
Upper crustal structure in Puget Lowland, Washington: Results from the 1998 seismic hazards investigation in Puget Sound
TM Brocher, T Parsons, RJ Blakely, NI Christensen, MA Fisher, RE Wells
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 106 (B7), 13541-13564, 2001
Immediate/early response to Trypanosoma cruzi infection involves minimal modulation of host cell transcription
SV De Avalos, IJ Blader, M Fisher, JC Boothroyd, BA Burleigh
Journal of Biological Chemistry 277 (1), 639-644, 2002
Mapping the megathrust beneath the northern Gulf of Alaska using wide‐angle seismic data
TM Brocher, GS Fuis, MA Fisher, G Plafker, MJ Moses, JJ Taber, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 99 (B6), 11663-11685, 1994
EDGE deep seismic reflection transect of the eastern Aleutian arc-trench layered lower crust reveals underplating and continental growth
JC Moore, J Diebold, MA Fisher, J Sample, T Brocher, M Talwani, J Ewing, ...
Geology 19 (5), 420-424, 1991
New seismic images of the Cascadia subduction zone from cruise SO108—ORWELL
ER Flueh, MA Fisher, J Bialas, JR Childs, D Klaeschen, N Kukowski, ...
Tectonophysics 293 (1-2), 69-84, 1998
Geologic framework of lower Cook inlet, Alaska
MA Fisher, LB Magoon
AAPG Bulletin 62 (3), 373-402, 1978
A new view into the Cascadia subduction zone and volcanic arc: Implications for earthquake hazards along the Washington margin
T Parsons, AM Trehu, JH Luetgert, K Miller, F Kilbride, RE Wells, ...
Geology 26 (3), 199-202, 1998
Submarine landslides in the Santa Barbara Channel as potential tsunami sources
HG Greene, LY Murai, P Watts, NA Maher, MA Fisher, CE Paull, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 6 (1), 63-88, 2006
Subsurface geometry and evolution of the Seattle fault zone and the Seattle basin, Washington
US Brink, PC Molzer, MA Fisher, RJ Blakely, RC Bucknam, T Parsons, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 92 (5), 1737-1753, 2002
Application of ground-penetrating radar to investigation of near-surface fault properties in the San Francisco Bay region
J Cai, GA McMechan, MA Fisher
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 86 (5), 1459-1470, 1996
Geologic framework of the Aleutian arc, Alaska
TL Vallier, DW Scholl, MA Fisher, TR Bruns, FH Wilson, R von Huene, ...
Active shortening of the Cascadia forearc and implications for seismic hazards of the Puget Lowland
SY Johnson, RJ Blakely, WJ Stephenson, SV Dadisman, MA Fisher
Tectonics 23 (1), 2004
The Denali fault system and Alaska Range of Alaska: Evidence for underplated Mesozoic flysch from magnetotelluric surveys
WD Stanley, VF Labson, WJ Nokleberg, B Csejtey Jr, MA Fisher
Geological Society of America Bulletin 102 (2), 160-173, 1990
The collision zone between the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge and the New Hebrides Island Arc: 1. Sea Beam morphology and shallow structure
JY Collot, MA Fisher
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 96 (B3), 4457-4478, 1991
Three‐dimensional velocity structure of Siletzia and other accreted terranes in the Cascadia forearc of Washington
T Parsons, RE Wells, MA Fisher, E Flueh, US ten Brink
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 104 (B8), 18015-18039, 1999
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