Margaret Hopkins
Margaret Hopkins
在 utoledo.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Women’s careers at the start of the 21st century: Patterns and paradoxes
DA O’Neil, MM Hopkins, D Bilimoria
Journal of business ethics 80, 727-743, 2008
Social and emotional competencies predicting success for male and female executives
MM Hopkins, D Bilimoria
Journal of management development 27 (1), 13-35, 2008
Women's leadership development strategic practices for women and organizations.
MM Hopkins, DA O'Neil, A Passarelli, D Bilimoria
Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 60 (4), 348, 2008
Do women's networks help advance women's careers? Differences in perceptions of female workers and top leadership
DA O'Neil, MM Hopkins, SE Sullivan
Career Development International 16 (7), 733-754, 2011
Managing conflict with emotional intelligence: Abilities that make a difference
MM Hopkins, RD Yonker
Journal of Management Development 34 (2), 226-244, 2015
A framework for developing women leaders: Applications to executive coaching
DA O’Neil, MM Hopkins, D Bilimoria
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 51 (2), 253-276, 2015
Linking human capital to competitive advantages: Flexibility in a manufacturing firm's supply chain
Y Jin, MM Hopkins, JLS Wittmer
Human Resource Management 49 (5), 939-963, 2010
Authentic leadership: Application to women leaders
MM Hopkins, DA O’Neil
Frontiers in Psychology 6, 959, 2015
Emotional intelligence and board governance: Leadership lessons from the public sector
MM Hopkins, DA O'Neil, HW Williams
Journal of Managerial Psychology 22 (7), 683-700, 2007
Is research on professional identity formation biased? Early insights from a scoping review and metasynthesis
RL Volpe, M Hopkins, P Haidet, DR Wolpaw, NE Adams
Medical education 53 (2), 119-132, 2019
The impact of gendered organizational systems on women’s career advancement
DA O’Neil, MM Hopkins
Frontiers in psychology 6, 905, 2015
Women’s roles in women’s career advancement: what do women expect of each other?
DA O’Neil, ME Brooks, MM Hopkins
Career Development International 23 (3), 327-344, 2018
Distinguishing competencies of effective physician leaders
MM Hopkins, DA O'Neil, JK Stoller
Journal of Management Development 34 (5), 566-584, 2015
The Teacher Ascoach Approach: Pedagogical Choices for Management Educators
DA O’Neil, MM Hopkins
Journal of Management Education 26 (4), 402-414, 2002
Effective leadership and successful career advancement: perspectives from women in health care
MM Hopkins, DA O’Neil, D Bilimoria
Equal opportunities international 25 (4), 251-271, 2006
The negative impact of organizational cynicism on physicians and nurses
RL Volpe, S Mohammed, M Hopkins, D Shapiro, C Dellasega
The health care manager 33 (4), 276-288, 2014
How perceived riskiness influences the selection of women and men as senior leaders
C van Esch, MM Hopkins, DA O'Neil, D Bilimoria
Human Resource Management 57 (4), 915-930, 2018
Community game day: using an end-of-life conversation game to encourage advance care planning
LJ Van Scoy, JM Reading, M Hopkins, B Smith, J Dillon, MJ Green, ...
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 54 (5), 680-691, 2017
An exploration of relational aggression in the nursing workplace
C Dellasega, RL Volpe, C Edmonson, M Hopkins
Jona: The Journal of Nursing Administration 44 (4), 212-218, 2014
Exploring the relationship between diversity intelligence, emotional intelligence, and executive coaching to enhance leader development practices
JLS Wittmer, MM Hopkins
Advances in Developing Human Resources 20 (3), 285-298, 2018
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