José Luis Calvo Rolle
José Luis Calvo Rolle
在 udc.es 的电子邮件经过验证
Missing data imputation of solar radiation data under different atmospheric conditions
CC Turrado, MCM López, FS Lasheras, BAR Gómez, JLC Rollé, ...
Sensors 14 (11), 20382-20399, 2014
A hybrid intelligent system for PID controller using in a steel rolling process
JL Calvo-Rolle, JL Casteleiro-Roca, H Quintián, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (13), 5188-5196, 2013
Geothermal heat exchanger energy prediction based on time series and monitoring sensors optimization
B Baruque, S Porras, E Jove, JL Calvo-Rolle
Energy 171, 49-60, 2019
New approach for the QCM sensors characterization
JL Casteleiro-Roca, JL Calvo-Rolle, MC Meizoso-Lopez, A Piñón-Pazos, ...
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 207, 1-9, 2014
Anomaly detection based on intelligent techniques over a bicomponent production plant used on wind generator blades manufacturing
E Jove, J Casteleiro-Roca, H Quintián, JA Méndez-Pérez, JL Calvo-Rolle
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial 17 (1), 84-93, 2020
Short-Term Energy Demand Forecast in Hotels Using Hybrid Intelligent Modeling
JL Casteleiro-Roca, JF Gómez-González, JL Calvo-Rolle, E Jove, ...
Sensors 19 (11), 2485, 2019
Gaining deep knowledge of Android malware families through dimensionality reduction techniques
R Vega Vega, H Quintián, JL Calvo-Rolle, Á Herrero, E Corchado
Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (2), 160-176, 2019
New climatic indicators for improving urban sprawl: a case study of tehran city
A Ghanghermeh, G Roshan, J Orosa, J Calvo-Rolle, Á Costa
Entropy 15 (3), 999-1013, 2013
A fault detection system based on unsupervised techniques for industrial control loops
E Jove, JL Casteleiro‐Roca, H Quintián, JA Méndez‐Pérez, ...
Expert Systems 36 (4), e12395, 2019
An intelligent fault detection system for a heat pump installation based on a geothermal heat exchanger
JL Casteleiro-Roca, H Quintián, JL Calvo-Rolle, E Corchado, ...
Journal of Applied Logic 17, 36-47, 2016
A hybrid regression system based on local models for solar energy prediction
H Quintián, JL Calvo-Rolle, E Corchado
Informatica 25 (2), 265-282, 2014
Fuel cell output current prediction with a hybrid intelligent system
JL Casteleiro-Roca, AJ Barragán, F Segura, JL Calvo-Rolle, JM Andújar
Complexity 2019 (1), 6317270, 2019
Power cell SOC modelling for intelligent virtual sensor implementation
JL Casteleiro-Roca, E Jove, F Sánchez-Lasheras, JA Méndez-Pérez, ...
Journal of Sensors 2017 (1), 9640546, 2017
Intelligent hybrid system for the prediction of the voltage-current characteristic curve of a hydrogen-based fuel cell
JL Casteleiro-Roca, A Javier Barragan, F Segura, J Luis Calvo-Rolle, ...
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial 16 (4), 492-501, 2019
A Fault Detection System for a Geothermal Heat Exchanger Sensor Based on Intelligent Techniques
H Aláiz-Moretón, M Castejón-Limas, JL Casteleiro-Roca, E Jove, ...
Sensors 19 (12), 2740, 2019
Detection of locally relevant variables using SOM–NG algorithm
MJ Crespo-Ramos, IN MachóN-GonzáLez, H LóPez-GarcíA, ...
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 26 (8), 1992-2000, 2013
Anomaly detection based on one-class intelligent techniques over a control level plant
E Jove, JL Casteleiro-Roca, H Quintián, D Simić, JA Méndez-Pérez, ...
Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (4), 502-518, 2020
Hybrid intelligent system to perform fault detection on BIS sensor during surgeries
JL Casteleiro-Roca, JL Calvo-Rolle, JA Méndez Pérez, ...
Sensors 17 (1), 179, 2017
Adaptive inverse control using an online learning algorithm for neural networks
JL Calvo-Rolle, O Fontenla-Romero, B Pérez-Sánchez, ...
Informatica 25 (3), 401-414, 2014
Formalization and practical implementation of a conceptual model for PID controller tuning
H Alaiz Moretón, JL Calvo Rolle, I García, A Alonso Alvarez
Asian Journal of Control 13 (6), 773-784, 2011
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