Aggregate and firm-level stock returns during pandemics, in real time L Alfaro, A Chari, AN Greenland, PK Schott National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020 | 486 | 2020 |
Risk sharing and asset prices: evidence from a natural experiment A Chari, PB Henry The Journal of Finance 59 (3), 1295-1324, 2004 | 450 | 2004 |
The value of control in emerging markets A Chari, PP Ouimet, LL Tesar The Review of Financial Studies 23 (4), 1741-1770, 2010 | 354 | 2010 |
Aggregate and firm-level stock returns during pandemics L Alfaro, A Chari, AN Greenland, PK Schott Real Time 1050 (10.2139), 2020 | 244 | 2020 |
Firm-specific information and the efficiency of investment A Chari, PB Henry Journal of Financial Economics 87 (3), 636-655, 2008 | 202 | 2008 |
Foreign ownership and firm performance: Emerging-market acquisitions in the United States A Chari, W Chen, KME Dominguez National Bureau of Economic Research, 2009 | 198 | 2009 |
Boom-Bust Cycles and Financial Liberalization. A Tornell, F Westermann MIT Press, 2005 | 197 | 2005 |
Incumbents and protectionism: The political economy of foreign entry liberalization A Chari, N Gupta Journal of financial economics 88 (3), 633-656, 2008 | 146 | 2008 |
Corporate debt, firm size and financial fragility in emerging markets L Alfaro, G Asis, A Chari, U Panizza Journal of International Economics 118, 1-19, 2019 | 142 | 2019 |
The real effects of capital controls: Firm-level evidence from a policy experiment L Alfaro, A Chari, F Kanczuk Journal of International Economics 108, 191-210, 2017 | 133 | 2017 |
Gender representation in economics across topics and time: Evidence from the NBER summer institute A Chari, P Goldsmith-Pinkham National Bureau of Economic Research, 2017 | 128 | 2017 |
Deregulation, misallocation, and size: Evidence from India L Alfaro, A Chari The Journal of Law and Economics 57 (4), 897-936, 2014 | 121 | 2014 |
Capital Account Liberalization: Allocative Efficiency or Animal Spirits? A Chari, PB Henry National Bureau of Economic Research, 2002 | 108 | 2002 |
Taper tantrums: QE, its aftermath and emerging market capital flows A Chari, KD Stedman, C Lundblad National Bureau of Economic Research, 2017 | 97 | 2017 |
Capital controls and capital flows in emerging economies: policies, practices, and consequences S Edwards University of Chicago Press, 2009 | 95 | 2009 |
Foreign direct investment in India’s retail bazaar: opportunities and challenges A Chari, TCA Madhav Raghavan The World Economy 35 (1), 79-90, 2012 | 88 | 2012 |
India transformed? Insights from the firm level 1988-2005 L Alfaro, A Chari National Bureau of Economic Research, 2009 | 86 | 2009 |
Taper tantrums: Quantitative easing, its aftermath, and emerging market capital flows A Chari, K Dilts Stedman, C Lundblad The Review of Financial Studies 34 (3), 1445-1508, 2021 | 83 | 2021 |
Cross border mergers and acquisitions in emerging markets: The stock market valuation of corporate control A Chari, P Ouimet, LL Tesar Available at SSRN 559923, 2004 | 71 | 2004 |
Acquiring control in emerging markets: Evidence from the stock market A Chari, P Ouimet, L Tesar National Bureau of Economic Research, 2004 | 69 | 2004 |