Christine Largouet
Christine Largouet
在 irisa.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
Anomaly detection in streams with extreme value theory
A Siffer, PA Fouque, A Termier, C Largouet
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2017
Using model-checking techniques for diagnosing discrete-event systems
MO Cordier, C Largouët
12th International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis (DX’01), 39-46, 2001
First steps towards incremental diagnosis of discrete-event systems
A Grastien, MO Cordier, C Largouët
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 18th Conference of the Canadian Society …, 2005
Dynamic modeling of nutrient use and individual requirements of lactating sows
R Gauthier, C Largouët, C Gaillard, L Cloutier, F Guay, JY Dourmad
Journal of Animal Science 97 (7), 2822-2836, 2019
Are your data gathered?
A Siffer, PA Fouque, A Termier, C Largouët
Proceedings of the 24th acm sigkdd international conference on knowledge …, 2018
Modelling coral reef habitat trajectories: Evaluation of an integrated timed automata and remote sensing approach
J Scopélitis, S Andréfouët, C Largouët
ecological modelling 205 (1-2), 59-80, 2007
Use of timed automata and model-checking to explore scenarios on ecosystem models
C Largouët, MO Cordier, YM Bozec, Y Zhao, G Fontenelle
Environmental Modelling & Software 30, 123-138, 2012
Timed automata model to improve the classification of a sequence of images
C Largouët, MO Cordier
ECAI, 156-160, 2000
Extending decentralized discrete-event modelling to diagnose reconfigurable systems
A Grastien, MO Cordier, C Largouët
15 international workshop on principles of diagnosis, 2004
Online forecasting of daily feed intake in lactating sows supported by offline time-series clustering, for precision livestock farming
R Gauthier, C Largouët, L Rozé, JY Dourmad
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 188, 106329, 2021
Improving the landcover classification using domain knowledge
C Largouët, MO Cordier
AI Communications 14 (1), 35-43, 2001
Prediction of litter performance in lactating sows using machine learning, for precision livestock farming
R Gauthier, C Largouët, JY Dourmad
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 196, 106876, 2022
Temporal planning with extended timed automata
C Largouët, O Krichen, Y Zhao
2016 IEEE 28th International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 2016
Improving anchor-based explanations
J Delaunay, L Galárraga, C Largouët
Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information …, 2020
Effects of the environment and animal behavior on nutrient requirements for gestating sows: Future improvements in precision feeding
C Gaillard, M Durand, C Largouët, JY Dourmad, C Tallet
Animal Feed Science and Technology 279, 115034, 2021
Model-Checking an Ecosystem Model for Decision-Aid
MO Cordier, C Largouët, Y Zhao
2014 IEEE 26th International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 2014
Aide à l’interprétation d’une séquence d’images par la modélisation du système observé. application à la reconnaissance de l’occupation du sol
C Largouët
Thèse de doctorat, Université de Rennes I.[cité p. 155, 198], 2000
EcoMata: Un logiciel d'aide à la décision pour améliorer la gestion des écosystèmes
Y Zhao, C Largouët, MO Cordier
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information-Série ISI: Ingénierie …, 2011
TAG: learning timed automata from logs
L Cornanguer, C Largouët, L Rozé, A Termier
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 36 (4), 3949-3958, 2022
Automata slicing for diagnosing discrete-event systems with partially ordered observations
A Grastien, MO Cordier, C Largouët
Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, 270-281, 2005
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