Dinamika pertumbuhan Lactobacillus casei dan karakteristik susu fermentasi berdasarkan suhu dan lama penyimpanan SR Ayuti, N Nurliana, Y Yurliasni, S Sugito, D Darmawi Jurnal Agripet 16 (1), 23-30, 2016 | 21 | 2016 |
Efek suhu dan masa simpan terhadap aktivitas antimikroba susu fermentasi dengan lactobacillus casei CA Mirdalisa, Y Zakaria, N Nurliana Jurnal Agripet 16 (1), 49-55, 2016 | 19 | 2016 |
Cytotoxicity and phytochemical profiles of Phyllanthus emblica stem barks with in silico drug-likeliness: Focusing on antidiabetic potentials Q Quranayati, M Iqhrammullah, N Saidi, N Nurliana, R Idroes, R Nasution Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research 13 (4), 281-285, 2022 | 13 | 2022 |
The concentration of testosterone, pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide, and protamine 1 in the serum of male chicken following administration of epididymis and … M Akmal, G Gholib, R Rinidar, F Fitriani, TZ Helmi, S Sugito, M Isa, ... Veterinary World 12 (7), 1101, 2019 | 11 | 2019 |
PENGARUH TINGKAT PAPARAN TIMBAL (Pb) TERHADAP PROFIL DARAH IKAN NILA (Oreochromis nilloticus)(The Influence Of The Level Of Lead (Pb) Exposure On The Blood Profiles Of Tilapia … M Fauzan, R Rosmaidar, S Sugito, Z Zurawati, M Muttaqien, A Azhar Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Veteriner 1 (4), 702-708, 2017 | 10 | 2017 |
Pengujian awal aktivitas antibakteri dari minyak pliek u dan pliek u: Makanan tradisional Aceh Nurliana, SMLI Sudirman, WA Sanjaya Jurnal Kedokteran Hewan 2 (2), 150-156, 2008 | 9 | 2008 |
Pengaruh pemberian ampas kedelai dan bungkil inti sawit (akbis) yang difermentasi dengan aspergillus niger terhadap kadar lemak dan kolesterol daging dada broiler S Syafrizal, N Nurliana, S Sugito Jurnal Agripet 18 (2), 74-82, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |
Effect of Salix tetrasperma Roxb. extract on the value of feed conversion ratio, carcass weight, and abdominal fat content of broiler chicken with heat stress condition S Sugito, E Rahmi, M Delima, N Nurliana, R Rusli, M Isa E3S Web of Conferences 151, 01034, 2020 | 7 | 2020 |
13. Quality of Broiler Meat after Treatment of Jaloh Extract and Turmeric Extract and Infected By Eimeria tenella MC Amri, S Sugito, S Sulasmi, N Nurliana, I Ismail, M Abrar Jurnal Medika Veterinaria 12 (2), 77-83, 2018 | 7 | 2018 |
A preliminary study of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) infection on vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) cultured in semiintensive ponds in Bireuen District of Aceh Province … TR Ferasyi, Z Zulpikar, S Sugito, ZA Muchlisin, R Razali, N Nurliana, ... Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation 8 (5), 810-816, 2015 | 7 | 2015 |
Identification of cellulolytic lactic acid bacteria from the intestines of laying hens given AKBISprob based on 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid gene analysis N Nurliana, BH Siregar, WE Sari, TZ Helmi, S Sugito Veterinary World 15 (7), 1650, 2022 | 6 | 2022 |
Isolation, Identification, and Critical Points of Risk of Escherichia coli O157: H7 Contamination at Aceh Cattle Breeding Centre TR Ferasyi, M Abrar, M Subianto, C Afrianandra, M Hambal, R Razali, ... E3S Web of Conferences 151, 01021, 2020 | 6 | 2020 |
Study of Beef Consumer Consideration Based On the Concept of Halal and Economic Factors in Butchery of Lambaro, Aceh Besar F Nuhraini, TR Ferasyi, R Rastina, I Ismail, N Nurliana, R Razali Jurnal Medika Veterinaria 12 (1), 62-69, 2018 | 6 | 2018 |
3. Lactobacillus casei Fermented Milk as a Treatment for Diabetes in Mice (Mus musculus) PP Sari, N Nurliana, M Hasan, A Sayuti, S Sugito, A Amiruddin Jurnal Medika Veterinaria 11 (1), 15-19, 2017 | 6 | 2017 |
Pemberian Ampas Kedelai dan Serat Buah Sawit yang Difermentasi Aspergillus niger dalam pakan untuk peningkatan produktivitas ayam petelur SW Nurliana, D Masyitha Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, 2015 | 6 | 2015 |
Efek pemberian pakan yang mengandung ampas kedelai terfermentasi Aspergillus niger terhadap ketebalan kerabang telur ayam kampung (Gallus domesticus) Nurliana, F Chairina Jurnal Medika Veterinaria 7 (2), 2013 | 6 | 2013 |
Effect of yeast and lactic acid bacteria probiotic on the growth of tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon), microbiology and water quality N Nurliana, F Khairunisa, BH Siregar, DHM Harahap, RS Zamzami, ... E3S Web of Conferences 151, 01017, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
Efek pemberian pakan terbatas dan tepung bawang putih (Allium sativum) terhadap kadar protein dan kolesterol daging pada ayam pedaging A Syakir, N Nurliana, S Wahyuni Jurnal Agripet 17 (2), 87-94, 2017 | 5 | 2017 |
Lactic acid level and acidity of kefir goat milk fermented by various sugar addition and different time of incubation E Rosiana, Nurliana Jurnal Medika Veterinaria 7 (2), 87, 2013 | 5* | 2013 |