Daniele Di Pompeo
Daniele Di Pompeo
Asistant professor (RTD-a), University of L'Aquila, Italy
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A model-driven approach for continuous performance engineering in microservice-based systems
V Cortellessa, D Di Pompeo, R Eramo, M Tucci
Journal of Systems and Software 183, 111084, 2022
Performance-driven software model refactoring
D Arcelli, V Cortellessa, D Di Pompeo
Information and Software Technology 95, 366-397, 2018
EASIER: an Evolutionary Approach for multi-objective Software archItecturE Refactoring
D Arcelli, V Cortellessa, M D'Emidio, D Di Pompeo
2018 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA), 105-10509, 2018
How Software Refactoring Impacts Execution Time
L Traini, D Di Pompeo, M Tucci, B Lin, S Scalabrino, G Bavota, M Lanza, ...
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 31 (2), 1-23, 2021
Towards effective assessment of steady state performance in Java software: are we there yet?
L Traini, V Cortellessa, D Di Pompeo, M Tucci
Empirical Software Engineering 28 (1), 13, 2023
Exploiting architecture/runtime model-driven traceability for performance improvement
D Arcelli, V Cortellessa, D Di Pompeo, R Eramo, M Tucci
2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA), 81-90, 2019
Automating Performance Antipattern Detection and Software Refactoring in UML Models
D Arcelli, V Cortellessa, D Di Pompeo
26th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and …, 2019
Analyzing the sensitivity of multi-objective software architecture refactoring to configuration characteristics
V Cortellessa, D Di Pompeo
Information and Software Technology 135, 106568, 2021
On the impact of Performance Antipatterns in multi-objective software model refactoring optimization
V Cortellessa, D Di Pompeo, V Stoico, M Tucci
2021 47th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced …, 2021
Applying Design Patterns to Remove Software Performance Antipatterns: A Preliminary Approach
D Arcelli, D Di Pompeo
8th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies …, 2017
An Efficient Performance-Driven Approach for HW/SW Co-Design
D Di Pompeo, E Incerto, V Muttillo, L Pomante, G Valenete
Proceedings of the 8th ACM/SPEC on International Conference on Performance …, 2017
Search Budget in Multi-Objective Refactoring Optimization: a Model-Based Empirical Study
D Di Pompeo, M Tucci
2022 48th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced …, 2022
A Microservice Reference Case Study for Design-Runtime Interaction in MDE.
D Di Pompeo, M Tucci, A Celi, R Eramo
STAF (Co-Located Events), 23-32, 2019
Many-objective optimization of non-functional attributes based on refactoring of software models
V Cortellessa, D Di Pompeo, V Stoico, M Tucci
Information and Software Technology 157, 107159, 2023
A Metamodel for the Specification and Verification of Model Refactoring Actions
D Arcelli, V Cortellessa, D Di Pompeo
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Refactoring, 14--21, 2018
Performance-Driven Software Architecture Refactoring
D Arcelli, V Cortellessa, D Di Pompeo
2018 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture Companion (ICSA …, 2018
An Approach Using Performance Models for Supporting Energy Analysis of Software Systems
V Stoico, V Cortellessa, I Malavolta, D Di Pompeo, L Pomante, P Lago
European Workshop on Performance Engineering, 249-263, 2023
Software Model Refactoring Driven by Performance Antipattern Detection
V Cortellessa, D Di Pompeo, V Stoico, M Tucci
Tools for Stochastic Modelling and Evaluation (TOSME), co-located with IFIP …, 2021
Automated translation among EPSILON languages for performance-driven UML software model refactoring
D Arcelli, V Cortellessa, D Di Pompeo
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Software Refactoring, 25-32, 2016
Towards a Unifying Approach for Performance-Driven Software Model Refactoring.
D Arcelli, V Cortellessa, D Di Pompeo
GEMOC+ MPM@ MoDELS, 42-51, 2015
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