A ranking list for information systems journals J Fisher, G Shanks, JW Lamp Australasian Journal of Information Systems 14 (2), 2008 | 40 | 2008 |
The index of information systems journals JW Lamp Deakin University, 2004 | 39 | 2004 |
Contextual factors which influence creativity in requirements engineering S Dallman, L Nguyen, JW Lamp, J Cybulski European Conference on Information Systems, 2005 | 33 | 2005 |
Journal ranking and the dreams of academics JW Lamp Online information review 33 (4), 827-830, 2009 | 25 | 2009 |
Modelling network protocols with object Petri nets CA Lakos, JW Lamp, C Keen, BW Marriott Proceedings of Workshop on Petri Nets Applied to Protocols, 31-42, 1995 | 21 | 1995 |
Emerging insights of health informatics research: A literature analysis for outlining new themes S Miah, J Shen, JW Lamp, D Kerr, J Gammack | 17 | 2019 |
Grounded theory as foundations for methods in applied ontology JW Lamp, SK Milton QualIT, 18-20, 2007 | 16 | 2007 |
The reality of information systems research JW Lamp, S Milton Information systems foundations: constructing and criticising, 25-33, 2004 | 14 | 2004 |
Information Systems and Business Informatics: An Australian German Comparison S Retzer, J Fisher, JW Lamp Australasian Conference on Information Systems, 2003 | 14 | 2003 |
Integrating professional skills into the curriculum JW Lamp, C Keen, C Urquhart Australasian Conference on Computer Science Education, 309-316, 1996 | 14 | 1996 |
An exploratory study of information systems subject indexing JW Lamp, S Milton Australasian Conference on Information Systems, 2003 | 13 | 2003 |
The book: production and participation SE Luck, JW Lamp, A Craig, J Coldwell-Neilson Library review 65 (1/2), 2-19, 2016 | 11 | 2016 |
Perceptions of gender balance of IS journal editorial positions JW Lamp Communications of the Association for Information Systems 20 (133), 124, 2007 | 11 | 2007 |
The incremental modelling of the Z39. 50 protocol with object petri nets C Lakos, JW Lamp Application of Petri Nets to Communication Networks, 37-68, 1999 | 10* | 1999 |
Using Petri Nets to Model Weltanschauung Alternatives in Soft Systems Methodology JW Lamp Australian Conference on Requirements Engineering, 91-100, 1998 | 10 | 1998 |
A client-focused, team-of-teams approach to software development projects C Keen, C Lockwood, JW Lamp Software Engineering: Education & Practice, 34-41, 1998 | 7 | 1998 |
Indexing Research: An Approach to Grounding Ingarden’s Ontological Framework JW Lamp, S Milton Information Systems Foundations, 115-132, 2007 | 6 | 2007 |
The Soft Information Systems and Technologies Methodology (SISTeM): A Contingency Approach to Integrated Decision Making and Development. CJ Atkinson, G Altman, J Lamp, P Love, P Mandal, R Smith ICSTM, 2000 | 6 | 2000 |
Functional-group Conflict in Information Systems Development JW Lamp, G Altmann, T Hetherington Australasian Conference on Information Systems, 2003 | 5 | 2003 |
Using Computer Mediated Communications to Enhance the Teaching of Team Based Project Management JW Lamp, C Goodwin Australasian Conference on Information Systems, 1999 | 5 | 1999 |