Peter L. Gonthier
Peter L. Gonthier
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Photon-Splitting Cascades in Gamma-Ray Pulsars and the Spectrum of PSR 1509–58
AK Harding, MG Baring, PL Gonthier
The Astrophysical Journal 476 (1), 246, 1997
Multifragmentation of Ca
K Hagel, M Gonin, R Wada, JB Natowitz, BH Sa, Y Lou, M Gui, D Utley, ...
Physical review letters 68 (14), 2141, 1992
Temperatures, barriers, and level densities of highly excited nuclei with A≈ 160
G Nebbia, K Hagel, D Fabris, Z Majka, JB Natowitz, RP Schmitt, B Sterling, ...
Physics Letters B 176 (1-2), 20-25, 1986
Production and characterization of hot nuclei in the reactions of 19 and 35 MeV/u 14N with 145Sm
K Hagel, D Fabris, P Gonthier, H Ho, Y Lou, Z Majka, G Mouchaty, ...
Nuclear Physics A 486 (2), 429-455, 1988
Population synthesis of radio and γ-ray millisecond pulsars from the Galactic disk
SA Story, PL Gonthier, AK Harding
The Astrophysical Journal 671 (1), 713, 2007
Limiting temperatures of neutron rich nuclei: A possible interpretation of data from isotope yield ratios
JB Natowitz, K Hagel, R Wada, Z Majka, P Gonthier, J Li, N Mdeiwayeh, ...
Physical Review C 52 (5), R2322, 1995
Galactic populations of radio and gamma-ray pulsars in the polar cap model
PL Gonthier, MS Ouellette, J Berrier, S O’Brien, AK Harding
The Astrophysical Journal 565 (1), 482, 2002
Dynamical effects on the de-excitation of hot nuclei with A≃160
M Gonin, L Cooke, K Hagel, Y Lou, JB Natowitz, RP Schmitt, S Shlomo, ...
Physical Review C 42 (5), 2125, 1990
Role of beam geometry in population statistics and pulse profiles of radio and gamma-ray pulsars
PL Gonthier, R Van Guilder, AK Harding
The Astrophysical Journal 604 (2), 775, 2004
Determination of the temperatures of hot nuclei from “first chance” emission spectra
M Gonin, L Cooke, K Hagel, Y Lou, JB Natowitz, RP Schmitt, B Srivastava, ...
Physics Letters B 217 (4), 406-410, 1989
Violent collisions and multifragment final states in the Ca reaction at 35 MeV/nucleon
K Hagel, M Gonin, R Wada, JB Natowitz, F Haddad, Y Lou, M Gui, D Utley, ...
Physical Review C 50 (4), 2017, 1994
Light-curve modelling constraints on the obliquities and aspect angles of the young Fermi pulsars
M Pierbattista, AK Harding, IA Grenier, TJ Johnson, PA Caraveo, M Kerr, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 575, A3, 2015
Compton scattering in ultrastrong magnetic fields: numerical and analytical behavior in the relativistic regime
PL Gonthier, AK Harding, MG Baring, RM Costello, CL Mercer
The Astrophysical Journal 540 (2), 907, 2000
3FGL demographics outside the galactic plane using supervised machine learning: Pulsar and dark matter subhalo interpretations
N Mirabal, E Charles, EC Ferrara, PL Gonthier, AK Harding, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 825 (1), 69, 2016
S. Kniffen et G. Bergowitz
RK Choudhury, PL Gonthier, K Hagel, MN Namboodiri, JB Natowitz, ...
Phys. Lett. B 143, 74, 1984
Spin-dependent cyclotron decay rates in strong magnetic fields
MG Baring, PL Gonthier, AK Harding
The Astrophysical Journal 630 (1), 430, 2005
Primary-fragment angular momenta in deep-inelastic reactions
JB Natowitz, MN Namboodiri, P Kasiraj, R Eggers, L Adler, P Gonthier, ...
Physical Review Letters 40 (12), 751, 1978
The unique potential of extreme mass-ratio inspirals for gravitational-wave astronomy
CPL Berry, SA Hughes, CF Sopuerta, AJK Chua, A Heffernan, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.03686, 2019
The Geminga fraction
AK Harding, IA Grenier, PL Gonthier
The Multi-Messenger Approach to High-Energy Gamma-Ray Sources, 221-230, 2007
C, Towsley and K
JB Natowitz, MN Namboodiri, R Eggers, P Gonthier, K Geoffroy, R Hanus
Das, Nucl.. Phys. A 277, 477, 1977
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