Viktor Rözer
Viktor Rözer
Research Officer, Grantham Research Institute, London School of Economics
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Coping with pluvial floods by private households
V Rözer, M Müller, P Bubeck, S Kienzler, A Thieken, I Pech, K Schröter, ...
Water 8 (7), 304, 2016
Probabilistic models significantly reduce uncertainty in Hurricane Harvey pluvial flood loss estimates
V Rözer, H Kreibich, K Schröter, M Müller, N Sairam, J Doss‐Gollin, U Lall, ...
Earth's Future 7 (4), 384-394, 2019
Damage assessment in Braunsbach 2016: data collection and analysis for an improved understanding of damaging processes during flash floods
J Laudan, V Rözer, T Sieg, K Vogel, AH Thieken
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 17 (12), 2163-2179, 2017
A comparative survey of the impacts of extreme rainfall in two international case studies
M Spekkers, V Rözer, A Thieken, MC ten Veldhuis, H Kreibich
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 17 (8), 1337-1355, 2017
Impact‐based forecasting for pluvial floods
V Rözer, A Peche, S Berkhahn, Y Feng, L Fuchs, T Graf, U Haberlandt, ...
Earth's Future 9 (2), 2020EF001851, 2021
Hierarchical Bayesian approach for modeling spatiotemporal variability in flood damage processes
N Sairam, K Schröter, V Rözer, B Merz, H Kreibich
Water resources research 55 (10), 8223-8237, 2019
Building flood resilience in a changing climate
M Golnaraghi, S Surminski, S Mehryar, C Kousky, V Roezer
The Geneva Association, 2020
From managing risk to increasing resilience: a review on the development of urban flood resilience, its assessment and the implications for decision making
V Rözer, S Mehryar, S Surminski
Environmental Research Letters 17 (12), 123006, 2022
Die Sturzflut von Braunsbach am 29. Mai 2016–Entstehung, Ablauf und Schäden eines „Jahrhundertereignisses “. Teil 2: Geomorphologische Prozesse und Schadensanalyse. The …
K Vogel, U Ozturk, A Riemer, J Laudan, T Sieg, D Wendi, A Agarwal, ...
Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung 61 (3), 163-175, 2017
Current and future flood risk of new build homes across different socio-economic neighbourhoods in England and Wales
V Rözer, S Surminski
Environmental Research Letters 16 (5), 054021, 2021
Multiple resilience dividends at the community level: A comparative study of disaster risk reduction interventions in different countries
V Rözer, S Surminski, F Laurien, C McQuistan, R Mechler
Climate Risk Management 40, 100518, 2023
Impact-Based Forecasting for Pluvial Floods, Earth’s Future, 9, 2020EF001851
V Rözer, A Peche, S Berkhahn, Y Feng, L Fuchs, T Graf, U Haberlandt, ...
New Build Homes, Flood Resilience and Environmental Justice-Current and Future Trends Under Climate Change Across England and Wales
V Rözer, S Surminski
Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, 2020
Disaster impacts and financing: local insights from the Philippines
A Brucal, V Roezer, DS Dookie, R Byrnes, MLV Ravago, F Cruz, ...
Ateneo de Manila University, 2020
PERC Flood event review" Bernd"
T Deubelli, K MacClune, M Szönyi, J Ulrich, V Roezer, R Norton, ...
Zurich Insurance Company, 2022
Flood Risk Management in Germany: Building flood resilience in a changing climate
S Surminski, V Roezer, M Golnaraghi
Geneva Association-International Association for the Study of Insurance …, 2020
Real-Time Prediction of Pluvial Floods and Induced Water Contamination
L Fuchs, T Graf, U Haberlandt, H Kreibich, I Neuweiler, M Sester, ...
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Prague …, 2017
Die Sturzflut in Braunsbach, Mai 2016: eine Bestandsaufnahme und Ereignisbeschreibung
A Agarwal, B Boessenkool, M Fischer, I Hahn, L Köhn, J Laudan, T Moran, ...
Toward an adequate level of detail in flood risk assessments
T Sieg, S Kienzler, V Rözer, K Vogel, H Rust, A Bronstert, H Kreibich, ...
Journal of Flood Risk Management 16 (3), e12889, 2023
The Triple Dividend of Building Climate Resilience: Taking Stock, Moving Forward
H Heubaum, C Brandon, T Tanner, S Surminski, V Roezer
World Resources Institute Working Paper, 2022
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