Microcreditos y pobreza: De un sueño al nobel de la paz. M Lacalle Calderon, S Rico Garrido Turpial, 2008 | 167* | 2008 |
Microcréditos. De pobres a microempresarios M Lacalle Calderón Ariel, Barcelona, 2002 | 104* | 2002 |
Los microcréditos: un nuevo instrumento de financiación para luchar contra la pobreza. MCL Calderón Revista de economía mundial 5, 2001 | 98 | 2001 |
Glosario básico sobre microfinanzas MC Lacalle Calderón, S Rico Garrido, J Márquez Vigil, JM Durán Navarro Fundación Nantik Lum, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Cruz Roja (Madrid …, 2006 | 73 | 2006 |
Fertility and economic development: Quantile regression evidence on the inverse J-shaped pattern M Lacalle-Calderon, M Perez-Trujillo, I Neira European Journal of Population 33, 1-31, 2017 | 62 | 2017 |
Estudio piloto de evaluación de impacto del programa de microcréditos de Cruz Roja Española en Ruanda M Lacalle Calderón, S Rico Garrido, J Durán Navarro Revista de Economía Mundial 19, 83-104, 2008 | 60 | 2008 |
Microfinance and income inequality: New macrolevel evidence M Lacalle‐Calderon, JM Larrú, SR Garrido, M Perez‐Trujillo Review of Development Economics 23 (2), 860-876, 2019 | 47 | 2019 |
Handbook of Microcredit in Europe BJ Carboni, ML Calderón, SR Garrido, K Dayson, J Kickul Edward Elgar Publishing, 2010 | 43 | 2010 |
The impact of knowledge diffusion on economic growth across countries M Pérez-Trujillo, M Lacalle-Calderón World Development 132, 104995, 2020 | 42 | 2020 |
Social capital dimensions and subjective well-being: A quantile approach I Neira, M Lacalle-Calderon, M Portela, M Perez-Trujillo Journal of Happiness Studies 20, 2551-2579, 2019 | 40 | 2019 |
Does microfinance reduce poverty among the poorest? a macro quantile regression approach M Lacalle‐Calderon, M Perez‐Trujillo, I Neira The Developing Economies 56 (1), 51-65, 2018 | 39 | 2018 |
Measuring violence against women: a global index I Cepeda, M Lacalle-Calderon, M Torralba Journal of interpersonal violence 37 (19-20), NP18614-NP18638, 2022 | 36 | 2022 |
Overview of the microcredit sector in the European Union 2006-2007 B Jayo, S Rico, M Lacalle European Microfinance Network (EMN) Working Paper nº5, 2008 | 29 | 2008 |
Microfinance and Violence Against Women in Rural Guatemala I Cepeda, M Lacalle-Calderon, M Torralba Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 0886260517738780, 2017 | 28 | 2017 |
Civil liberty and economic growth in the world: a long-run perspective, 1850–2010 J Alfonso-Gil, M Lacalle-Calderon, R SÁNCHEZ Journal of Institutional Economics 10 (3), 427-449, 2014 | 27 | 2014 |
Asistencia oficial para el desarrollo, capital social y crecimiento en América Latina I Neira, M Lacalle-Calderón, M Portela | 21 | 2016 |
A comparative analysis of the effect of aid and microfinance on growth M Lacalle-Calderón, C Chasco, J Alfonso-Gil, I Neira Canadian Journal of Development Studies/Revue canadienne d'études du …, 2015 | 21 | 2015 |
Evaluación del impacto de los programas de microcréditos: una introducción a la metodología científica ML Calderón, SR Garrido Foro Nantik Lum de Microfinanzas, 2007 | 20 | 2007 |
Employee's subjective-well-being and job discretion: Designing gendered happy jobs M Bastida, I Neira, M Lacalle-Calderon European Research on Management and Business Economics 28 (2), 100189, 2022 | 17 | 2022 |
Microfinanzas en España: impacto y recomendaciones a futuro ML Calderón Foro de microfinanzas, 2012 | 17* | 2012 |