Philip M. Wilson, PhD
Philip M. Wilson, PhD
Associate Professor, Dept. of Kinesiology, Brock University
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The psychological need satisfaction in exercise scale
PM Wilson, WT Rogers, WM Rodgers, TC Wild
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 28 (3), 231, 2006
The relationship between perceived autonomy support, exercise regulations and behavioral intentions in women
PM Wilson, WM Rodgers
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 5 (3), 229-242, 2004
“It's Who I Am… Really!’The Importance of Integrated Regulation in Exercise Contexts1
PM Wilson, WM Rodgers, CC Loitz, G Scime
Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research 11 (2), 79-104, 2006
Exercise motivation: a cross-sectional analysis examining its relationships with frequency, intensity, and duration of exercise
LR Duncan, CR Hall, PM Wilson, O Jenny
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 7 (7), 1-9, 2010
Understanding motivation for exercise: A self-determination theory perspective
PM Wilson, DE Mack, KP Grattan
Canadian Psychology 49 (3), 250-256, 2008
The Relationship Between Psychological Needs, Self‐Determined Motivation, Exercise Attitudes, and Physical Fitness1
PM Wilson, WM Rodgers, CM Blanchard, J Gessell
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 33 (11), 2373-2392, 2003
Relationships between exercise regulations and motivational consequences in university students
PM Wilson, WM Rodgers, SN Fraser, TC Murray
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 75 (1), 81-91, 2004
Psychological need satisfaction and thwarting: A test of Basic Psychological Needs Theory in physical activity contexts
KE Gunnell, PRE Crocker, PM Wilson, DE Mack, BD Zumbo
Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 2013
Factors associated with physical activity in Canadian adults with diabetes.
RC Plotnikoff, LM Taylor, PM Wilson, KS Courneya, RJ Sigal, N Birkett, ...
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 38 (8), 1526, 2006
Examining the psychometric properties of the behavioral regulation in exercise questionnaire
PM Wilson, WM Rodgers, SN Fraser
Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science 6 (1), 1-21, 2002
On the nature and function of scoring protocols used in exercise motivation research: An empirical study of the behavioural regulation in exercise questionnaire
PM Wilson, CM Sabiston, DE Mack, CM Blanchard
Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 2012
Efficacy of an E-mail intervention for the promotion of physical activity and nutrition behavior in the workplace context
RC Plotnikoff, LJ McCargar, PM Wilson, CA Loucaides
American Journal of Health Promotion 19 (6), 422-439, 2005
The Relationship Between Exercise Motives and Physical Self‐Esteem in Female Exercise Participants: An Application of Self‐Determination Theory1
PM Wilson, WM Rodgers
Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research 7 (1), 30-43, 2002
The relationship between commitment and exercise behavior
PM Wilson, WM Rodgers, PJ Carpenter, C Hall, J Hardy, SN Fraser
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 5 (4), 405-421, 2004
Evidence for a multidimensional self-efficacy for exercise scale
WM Rodgers, PM Wilson, CR Hall, SN Fraser, TC Murray
Research quarterly for exercise and sport 79 (2), 222-234, 2008
An experimental investigation of the relation between catastrophizing and activity intolerance
MJL Sullivan, WM Rodgers, PM Wilson, GJ Bell, TC Murray, SN Fraser
Pain 100 (1), 47-53, 2002
The role of body-related self-conscious emotions in motivating women's physical activity.
CM Sabiston, J Brunet, KC Kowalski, PM Wilson, DE Mack, PRE Crocker
Journal of sport & exercise psychology 32 (4), 417-437, 2010
Examining the Contributions of Perceived Psychological Need Satisfaction to Well‐Being in Exercise1
PM Wilson, K Longley, S Muon, WM Rodgers, TC Murray
Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research 11 (3‐4), 243-264, 2006
The relationship between competitive anxiety and self-presentational concerns.
P Wilson, RC Eklund
Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 1998
Predicting physical activity and outcome expectations in cancer survivors: an application of Self‐Determination Theory
PM Wilson, CM Blanchard, E Nehl, F Baker
Psycho‐Oncology 15 (7), 567-578, 2006
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