Christopher Thawley
Christopher Thawley
Associate Teaching Professor, University of Rhode Island
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What is stress? A systems perspective
M Del Giudice, CL Buck, LE Chaby, BM Gormally, CC Taff, CJ Thawley, ...
Integrative and comparative biology 58 (6), 1019-1032, 2018
Building natural history collections for the twenty-first century and beyond
SE Miller, LN Barrow, SM Ehlman, JA Goodheart, SE Greiman, HL Lutz, ...
BioScience 70 (8), 674-687, 2020
Artificial light at night increases growth and reproductive output in Anolis lizards
CJ Thawley, JJ Kolbe
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1919), 20191682, 2020
Obtaining plasma to measure baseline corticosterone concentrations in reptiles: how quick is quick enough?
C Tylan, K Camacho, S French, SP Graham, MW Herr, J Jones, ...
General and Comparative Endocrinology 287, 113324, 2020
Are invasive species stressful? The glucocorticoid profile of native lizards exposed to invasive fire ants depends on the context
SP Graham, NA Freidenfelds, CJ Thawley, TR Robbins, T Langkilde
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 90 (3), 328-337, 2017
Attracting unwanted attention: generalization of behavioural adaptation to an invasive predator carries costs
CJ Thawley, T Langkilde
Animal Behaviour 123, 285-291, 2017
Urbanization affects body size and parasitism but not thermal preferences in Anolis lizards
CJ Thawley, HA Moniz, AJ Merritt, AC Battles, SN Michaelides, JJ Kolbe
Journal of Urban Ecology 5 (1), juy031, 2019
Behavioral adaptations to invasive species: benefits, costs, and mechanisms of change
T Langkilde, CJ Thawley, TR Robbins
Advances in the Study of Behavior 49, 199-235, 2017
Adaptive seasonal shift towards investment in fewer, larger offspring: Evidence from field and laboratory studies
JM Hall, TS Mitchell, CJ Thawley, JT Stroud, DA Warner
Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (5), 1242-1253, 2020
Nocturnal activity of Antiguan lizards under artificial light
AS Maurer, CJ Thawley, AL Fireman, ST Giery, JT Stroud
Herpetological Conservation and Biology 14 (1), 105-110, 2019
Invasive Fire Ant (Solenopsis invicta) Predation of Eastern Fence Lizard (Sceloporus undulatus) Eggs
CJ Thawley, T Langkilde
Journal of Herpetology 50 (2), 284-288, 2016
Irresistible ants: exposure to novel toxic prey increases consumption over multiple temporal scales
MW Herr, TR Robbins, A Centi, CJ Thawley, T Langkilde
Oecologia 181, 749-756, 2016
Epigenetic response to environmental change: DNA methylation varies with invasion status
AW Schrey, TR Robbins, J Lee, DW Dukes Jr, AK Ragsdale, CJ Thawley, ...
Environmental Epigenetics 2 (2), dvw008, 2016
Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology
E Gould, HS Fraser, TH Parker, S Nakagawa, SC Griffith, PA Vesk, ...
EcoEvoRxiv, 2023
Presence of an invasive species reverses latitudinal clines of multiple traits in a native species
C Thawley, M Goldy-Brown, G McCormick, S Graham, T Langkilde
Global Change Biology 25 (2), 620-628, 2019
Red imported fire ant predation on eggs of the eastern fence lizard
JC Newman, CJ Thawley, T Langkilde
Herpetology Notes 7, 415-418, 2014
The future of invasion science needs physiology
L Boardman, JL Lockwood, MJ Angilletta Jr, JS Krause, JA Lau, ME Loik, ...
Bioscience 72 (12), 1204-1219, 2022
Bright lights, big city: an experimental assessment of short-term behavioral and performance effects of artificial light at night on Anolis lizards
JJ Kolbe, HA Moniz, O Lapiedra, CJ Thawley
Urban Ecosystems 24 (5), 1035-1045, 2021
Artificial light at night alters diurnal and nocturnal behavior and physiology in green anole lizards
LA Taylor, CJ Thawley, OR Pertuit, AJ Dennis, IR Carson, C Tang, ...
Physiology & Behavior 257, 113992, 2022
Geographic distribution: Phelsuma grandis (Madagascan day gecko)
CJ Thawley, JT Stroud
Herpetological Review 48, 812, 2017
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