Ville Jouppila
Ville Jouppila
Tampere University of Applied Sciences
在 tamk.fi 的电子邮件经过验证
Sliding mode control of a pneumatic muscle actuator system with a PWM strategy
VT Jouppila, SA Gadsden, GM Bone, AU Ellman, SR Habibi
International journal of fluid power 15 (1), 19-31, 2014
Modeling and identification of a pneumatic muscle actuator system controlled by on/off solenoid valve
V Jouppila, A Gadsden, A Ellman
Proceedings of the 7th International Fluid Power Conference IFK, Aachen …, 2010
Experimental comparisons of sliding mode controlled pneumatic muscle and cylinder actuators
V Jouppila, S Andrew Gadsden, A Ellman
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 136 (4), 044503, 2014
Sliding mode controller and filter applied to a pneumatic mckibben muscle actuator
V Jouppila, SA Gadsden, SR Habibi, GM Bone, A Ellman
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 43833, 539-547, 2009
Position control of pwm-actuated pneumatic muscle actuator system
V Jouppila, A Ellman
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 54938, 393-404, 2011
Comparison of low-and high-fidelity approach in model based design in the case of a portable motion platform
AU Ellman, P Krus, V Jouppila
DS 75-9: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Engineering …, 2013
A model-based method for condition monitoring of a proportional valve
V Jouppila, J Kuusisto, A Ellman, CR Burrows, KA Edge, DN Johnston
Bath Workshop on Power Transmission and Motion Control, 309-317, 2007
Modeling and control of a pneumatic muscle actuator
V Jouppila
Tampere University of Technology, 2014
Multiplexed force control of pneumatic muscles
V Jouppila, A Ellman
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 47713, 161-168, 2006
Design of a portable motion platform using pneumatic muscle actuators
V Jouppila, A Itäsalo, J Kuosa, A Ellman
Proceedeings of the Twelfth Scandinavian International Conference on Fluid …, 2011
Configurable virtual testing tool for mobile machine control centres
J Kuusisto, V Jouppila, A Ellman
Conference Proceedings, Smart Systems 2007, Seinäjoki, Finland, June 6-7 …, 2007
Virtual testing tool for control center of a mobile machine
J Kuusisto, V Jouppila, A Ellman
ICM 2006, International conference on mechatronics, Seinäjoki, Finland, 7.-8 …, 2006
Out of plane actuator concept and characterization of dielectric elastometer EAP materials
M Paajanen, V Jouppila, A Ellman, S Bauer, G Kofod, M Karesoja, ...
VTT symposium 244, 50, 2006
Model-Based Development in the Domain of Mobile Machines
V Jouppila, T Kaapu, CJ Sjöstedt, A Ellman, DJ Chen
Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering (TMCE 2014), 2014
A Pneumatic Position Servo Based on On/Off Valve Actuated Muscle Actuators in Opposing Pair Configuration
V Jouppila, A Ellman
Fluid Power and Motion Control (FPMC 2012), Johnston, D.N. & Plumer A.R …, 2012
Improving the quality of filament winding process with novel techniques
V Jouppila, N Nurminen, T Berg, A Ellman
7th International Conference on Smart Systems, Smart Systems 2008, June 4-5 …, 2008
A review of pneumatic McKibben muscle actuators
V Jouppila, A Ellman
Fourth Arctic-Mediterranean Post Graduate Workshop on Intelligent Machines …, 2008
Isometric Stress Analysis and Current-Voltage Characteristics of Some Nanoclay Dielectric Elastomer Compounds
N Nurminen, A Ellman, V Jouppila, M Paajanen, M Karesoja
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 43041, 137-144, 2007
Effect of Load Disturbances on Multiplexed Force Control of McKibben Actuators
V Jouppila, A Ellman
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 42983, 225-237, 2007
Independent force control of pneumatic McKibben actuators using the multiplexing technique
V Jouppila, A Ellman
Power Transmission and Motion Control (PTMC 2007), University of Bath, UK …, 2007
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