Jamilla Emi Sudo Lutif Teixeira
Jamilla Emi Sudo Lutif Teixeira
Assistant Professor - University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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Evaluation of moisture damage mechanisms and effects of hydrated lime in asphalt mixtures through measurements of mixture component properties and performance testing
YR Kim, JS Lutif, A Bhasin, DN Little
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 20 (10), 659-667, 2008
A two-way coupled multiscale model for predicting damage-associated performance of asphaltic roadways
YR Kim, FV Souza, JESL Teixeira
Computational Mechanics 51, 187-201, 2013
Determining representative volume elements of asphalt concrete mixtures without damage
YR Kim, JES Lutif, DH Allen
Transportation research record 2127 (1), 52-59, 2009
Multiscale modeling to predict mechanical behavior of asphalt mixtures
JES Lutif, FV Souza, Y Kim, JB Soares, DH Allen
Transportation research record 2181 (1), 28-35, 2010
Effects of windshield waste glass on the properties of structural repair mortars
JL Calmon, AS Sauer, GL Vieira, JESL Teixeira
Cement and concrete composites 53, 88-96, 2014
Effects of aggregate structure on hot-mix asphalt rutting performance in low traffic volume local pavements
YR Kim, HM Park, FTS Aragão, JES Lutif
Construction and Building materials 23 (6), 2177-2182, 2009
Effects of BOF steel slag and other cementitious materials on the rheological properties of self-compacting cement pastes
JL Calmon, FA Tristão, M Giacometti, M Meneguelli, M Moratti, ...
Construction and Building Materials 40, 1046-1053, 2013
Geometrical evaluation and experimental verification to determine representative volume elements of heterogeneous asphalt mixtures
Y Kim, J Lee, JES Lutif
Journal of Testing and Evaluation 38 (6), 660-666, 2010
Expansion level of steel slag aggregate effects on both material properties and asphalt mixture performance
JESL Teixeira, AG Schumacher, PM Pires, VTF Castelo Branco, ...
Transportation Research Record 2673 (3), 506-515, 2019
Use of frequency sweep and MSCR tests to characterize asphalt mastics containing ornamental stone residues and LD steel slag
RL Cosme, JESL Teixeira, JL Calmon
Construction and Building Materials 122, 556-566, 2016
Crack modeling of bituminous materials using extrinsic nonlinear viscoelastic cohesive zone (NVCZ) model
JA Rodrigues, JESL Teixeira, YR Kim, DN Little, FV Souza
Construction and Building Materials 204, 520-529, 2019
Multiscale model for asphalt mixtures subjected to cracking and viscoelastic deformation
JESL Teixeira, YR Kim, FV Souza, DH Allen, DN Little
Transportation Research Record 2447 (1), 136-145, 2014
Adhesion between steel slag aggregates and bituminous binder based on surface characteristics and mixture moisture resistance
BLR de Moura, JESL Teixeira, RA Simao, M Khedmati, YR Kim, ...
Construction and Building Materials 264, 120685, 2020
Laboratory and field evaluation of KR slag–stabilized soil for paving applications
PM Pires, JE Sudo Lutif Teixeira, DV Nepomuceno, EC Furieri
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 31 (9), 04019182, 2019
Evaluation of effects of filler by-products on fine aggregate matrix viscoelasticity and fatigue-fracture characteristics
JF Fonseca, JE Sudo Lutif Teixeira, VTF Castelo Branco, YR Kim
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 31 (10), 04019240, 2019
Heat treatment of processing sludge of ornamental rocks: application as pozzolan in cement matrices
JG Uliana, JL Calmon, GL Vieira, J Teixeira, E Nunes
Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais 8, 100-123, 2015
Material selection and design consideration for moisture damage of asphalt pavement
YR Kim, JS Lutif
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2006
Physical, mechanical, and microstructure investigation of tropical clayey soils stabilised with desulfurisation slag for pavement application
CF Oliveira, PJM Pires, JESL Teixeira
Road Materials and Pavement Design 22 (6), 1442-1453, 2021
Computational micromechanics modeling of damage-dependent bituminous composites based on two-way coupled multiscale approach
JES Lutif
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2011
Rate‐dependent fracture modeling of bituminous media using nonlinear viscoelastic cohesive zone with Gaussian damage function
YR Kim, JESL Teixeira, SR Kommidi, DN Little, FTS Aragao, ...
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 36 (11), 1365-1381, 2021
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