Joan Simon
Allozyme diversity in the tetraploid endemic Thymus loscosii (Lamiaceae)
J LÓPEZ‐PUJOL, M Bosch, J Simon, C Blanche
Annals of botany 93 (3), 323-332, 2004
C Benedí
Haloragaceae-Euphorbiaceae, 210-285, 1997
Reproductive biology, genetic variation and conservation of the rare endemic dysploid Delphinium bolosii (Ranunculaceae)
M Bosch, J Simon, J Molero, C Blanché
Biological Conservation 86 (1), 57-66, 1998
Conservation biology of the Pyrenean larkspur (Delphinium montanum): a case of conflict of plant versus animal conservation?
J Simon, M Bosch, J Molero, C Blanché
Biological conservation 98 (3), 305-314, 2001
Breeding systems in tribe Delphinieae (Ranunculaceae) in the western Mediterranean area
M Bosch, J Simon, J Molero, C Blanché
Flora 196 (2), 101-113, 2001
Effects of habitat fragmentation on allozyme diversity and conservation status of the coastal sand dune plant Stachys maritima (Lamiaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula
J López-Pujol, MR Orellana, M Bosch, J Simon, C Blanché
Plant Biology 5 (05), 504-512, 2003
Intoxicaciones por plantas y setas
S Nogué, J Simón, C Blanché, J Piqueras
Área científica MENARINI. Badalona, 2009
Pollination ecology in tribe" Delphineae"(" Ranunculaceae") in W mediterranean area: floral visitors and pollinator behaviour
M Bosch, J Molero Briones, C Blanché i Vergés, J Simon
Lagascalia 19 (1), 545-562, 1997
Allozyme variation and population structure of the very narrow endemic Seseli farrenyi (Apiaceae)
J LÓPEZ‐PUJOL, M Bosch, J Simon, C Blanche
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 138 (3), 305-314, 2002
Population genetics and conservation priorities for the critically endangered island endemic Delphinium pentagynum subsp. formenteranum (Ranunculaceae)
J López-Pujol, M Bosch, J Simon, C Blanché
Biodiversity and Conservation 12 (9), 1937-1951, 2003
Low genetic diversity and allozymic evidence for autopolyploidy in the tetraploid Pyrenean endemic larkspur Delphinium montanum (Ranunculaceae)
J Lopez-Pujol, MR Orellana, M Bosch, J Simon, C Blanche
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 155 (2), 211-222, 2007
Can the preservation of historical relicts permit the conservation of endangered plant species? The case of Silene sennenii (Caryophyllaceae)
J Lopez-Pujol, J Font, J Simon, C Blanché
Conservation Genetics 8, 903-912, 2007
Análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de la semipresencialidad del sistema universitario de Cataluña
J Simon Pallisé, C Benedí González, C Blanché i Vergés, ...
RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 2018
Estudis biosistemàtics en Euphorbia L. a la Mediterrània occidental
J Simon Pallisé, J Vicens Fandos
La semipresencialidad en Educación Superior: casos de estudio en los grados de la universidad de Barcelona
MBD Juan Simon Pallisé, Carles Benedí González, Cèsar Blanché i Verges
Edutec-e. Revista electrònica de Tecnologia Educativa 58, 15-33, 2016
Allozyme diversity of two endemic Petrocoptis species: P. montsicciana and its close relative P. pardoi (Caryophyllaceae)
J López-Pujol, M Bosch, J Simon, C Blanché
Canadian journal of botany 79 (12), 1379-1389, 2001
A conspect of chromosome numbers in tribe Delphinieae (Ranunculaceae)
J Simon, M Bosch, J Molero, C Blanché
Universitat de Barcelona Digital Repository, 1999
New conservation viewpoints when plants are viewed at one level higher. Integration of phylogeographic structure, niche modeling and genetic diversity in conservation planning …
M Bosch, S Herrando-Moraira, A del Hoyo, J López-Pujol, S Massó, ...
Global ecology and conservation 18, e00580, 2019
Genetic Diversity Within and among Disjunct Populations of the Mediterranean Island Endemic Delphinium pictum and D. requienii (Ranunculaceae)
MR Orellana, C Blanché, J Simon, M Bosch
Folia Geobotanica 44, 47-63, 2009
Patterns of genetic diversity in the highly threatened vascular flora of the Mediterranean Basin
J López-Pujol, M Bosch, J Simon, C Blanché
Endangered species: new research. Nova Science Publishers, New York, 45-79, 2009
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