Susan Raatz PhD, MPH, RD
Cardiovascular effects of intensive lifestyle intervention in type 2 diabetes
New England Journal of Medicine 369, 145-154, 2013
Benefits of modest weight loss in improving cardiovascular risk factors in overweight and obese individuals with type 2 diabetes
L Wing RR, Lang W, Wadden TA, Safford M, Knowler WC, Bertoni AG, Hill JO ...
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Reduction in weight and cardiovascular disease risk factors in individuals with type 2 diabetes: one-year results of the Look AHEAD trial
Diabetes Care 30, 1374-1383, 2007
Association of an intensive lifestyle intervention with remission of type 2 diabetes
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Journal of the American Medical Association 308, 2489-2496, 2012
Eight-Year Weight Losses with an Intensive Lifestyle Intervention: The Look AHEAD Study
Obesity 22, 5-13, 2014
Effect of whole grains on insulin sensitivity in overweight hyperinsulinemic adults
MA Pereira, DR Jacobs Jr, JJ Pins, SK Raatz, MD Gross, JL Slavin, ...
The American journal of clinical nutrition 75 (5), 848-855, 2002
Association of the magnitude of weight loss and changes in physical fitness with long-term cardiovascular disease outcomes in overweight or obese people with type 2 diabetes: a …
Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 4, 913-921, 2016
One-year weight losses in the Look AHEAD study: Factors associated with success
Wadden TA, West DS, Neiberg RH, WingRR, Ryan DH, Johnson KC, Foreyt JP, Hill ...
Obesity 17 (4), 713-722, 2009
Effects of varying carbohydrate content of diet in patients with non—insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
A Garg, JP Bantle, RR Henry, AM Coulston, KA Griver, SK Raatz, ...
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Four-year weight losses in the Look AHEAD Study: Factors associated with long-term success
L Wadden TA, Neiberg RH, Wing RR, Clark JM, Delahanty LM, Hill JO, Krakoff J ...
Obesity 19, 1987-1998, 2011
Effects of dietary fructose on plasma lipids in healthy subjects
JP Bantle, SK Raatz, W Thomas, A Georgopoulos
The American journal of clinical nutrition 72 (5), 1128-1134, 2000
Comparison of body fatness measurements by BMI and skinfolds vs dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and their relation to cardiovascular risk factors in adolescents
J Steinberger, DR Jacobs, S Raatz, A Moran, CP Hong, AR Sinaiko
International journal of obesity 29 (11), 1346-1352, 2005
Breakfast frequency and quality may affect glycemia and appetite in adults and children
MA Pereira, E Erickson, P McKee, K Schrankler, SK Raatz, LA Lytle, ...
The Journal of nutrition 141 (1), 163-168, 2011
Effect of a long-term behavioral weight loss intervention on nephropathy in overweight or obese adults with type 2 diabetes: a secondary analysis of the Look AHEAD randomized …
Lancet Diabetes Endocrinology 2, 801-809, 2014
Impact of a weight management program on health-related quality of life in overweight adults with type 2 diabetes
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Archives of Internal Medicine 169 (2), 163-171, 2009
Weight loss treatment influences untreated spouses and the home environment: evidence of a ripple effect
L Gorin AA, Wing RR, Fava JL, Jakicic JM, Jeffery R, West DS, Brelje K ...
International Journal of Obesity 32 (11), 1678-84, 2008
Total fat intake modifies plasma fatty acid composition in humans
SK Raatz, D Bibus, W Thomas, P Kris-Etherton
The Journal of nutrition 131 (2), 231-234, 2001
Effect of fenugreek fiber on satiety, blood glucose and insulin response and energy intake in obese subjects
JR Mathern, SK Raatz, W Thomas, JL Slavin
Phytotherapy research 23 (11), 1543-1548, 2009
Issues of fish consumption for cardiovascular disease risk reduction
SK Raatz, JT Silverstein, L Jahns, MJ Picklo
Nutrients 5 (4), 1081-1097, 2013
Reduced glycemic index and glycemic load diets do not increase the effects of energy restriction on weight loss and insulin sensitivity in obese men and women
SK Raatz, CJ Torkelson, JB Redmon, KP Reck, CA Kwong, JE Swanson, ...
The Journal of nutrition 135 (10), 2387-2391, 2005
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