Multiculturalismul liberal: bazele normative ale existenţei minoritare autentice L Salat Polirom, 2001 | 56 | 2001 |
Etnopolitika–a konfliktustól a méltányosságig. Az autentikus kisebbségi lét normatív alapjai L Salat Mentor Kiadó, Marosvásárhely, 2001 | 40* | 2001 |
A politikai közösség kérdése a többség-kisebbség viszonyának a nézőpontjából L Salat Magyar Kisebbség 16 (3-4), 159-190, 2011 | 24 | 2011 |
Politici de integrare a minorităţilor naţionale din România: aspecte legale şi institutionale într-o perspectivă comparată [Policies for the Integration of National Minorities … ed. Salat, Levente Cluj, CRDE 272, 2008 | 22* | 2008 |
Az erdélyi magyar felsőoktatás helyzete és kilátásai L Salat, AZ Papp, Z Csata, J Péntek Az erdélyi magyar felsöoktatás helyzete és kilátásai. Támpontok egy …, 2011 | 21* | 2011 |
The chances of Ethnic Autonomy in Romania – between Theory and Practice L Salat Kántor, Zoltán, ed.: Autonomies in Europe: Solutions and Challenges, 123–140, 2014 | 20 | 2014 |
A könnyített honosítás látható és várható következményeiről. Válaszok a Magyar Kisebbség kérdéseire L Salat Magyar Kisebbség, 226–240, 2013 | 20* | 2013 |
Ethnicity, nationalism, and the minority regime L Salat, CZ Novák Post-communist Romania at twenty-five: Linking past, present, and future, 63-86, 2015 | 19 | 2015 |
Maghiarii din România și etica minoritară:(1920-1940) L Nastasa, L Salat, eds Centrul de Resurse pentru Diversitate Etnoculturală, 2003 | 19* | 2003 |
A new balance: democracy and minorities in post-communist Europe M Robotin, L Salat, eds. OSI, LGI Books, 2003 | 18 | 2003 |
Autonomy Arrangements around the World: A Collection of Well and Lesser Known Cases eds. Salat, L., Constantin, S., Osipov, A., Székely, I. G. ISPMN, Cluj-Napoca, 2014 | 17* | 2014 |
Non-Territorial Autonomy and Decentralization. Ethno-cultural Diversity Governance eds. Malloy, T. H., Salat, L. Routledge, 2020 | 16* | 2020 |
Relaţii interetnice în România postcomunistă L Nastasă, L Salat, eds Fundaţia CRDE, Cluj-Napoca, 2000 | 16* | 2000 |
Inter-ethnic Relations in Post-Communist Romania eds. Salat, L., Nastasa, L. Proceedings of the Conference" The Romanian Model of Ethnic Relations. The …, 2000 | 15* | 2000 |
Kisebbségi egyetemek a világ néhány térségében L Salat Educatio, 49–66, 2012 | 11 | 2012 |
Regimul minorităților naționale din România și contextul internațional al acestuia L Salat Salat Levente (ed.): Politici de integrare a minorităţilor naţionale din …, 2008 | 10* | 2008 |
Romanian–Hungarian relations and the French–German reconciliation L Salat, S Enache, eds Ethnocultural Diversity Resource Center Press, Cluj, 2004 | 10 | 2004 |
Politici de integrare a minorităților naționale din România. Aspecte legale și instituționale într-o perspectivă comparată L Salat Search in, 2008 | 8 | 2008 |
Are members of the Hungarian minority in Romania part of the Romanian political community? L Salat Studia Politica. Romanian Political Science Review 8 (2), 337-366, 2008 | 8 | 2008 |
Romániai magyar civil társadalom? L Salat Korunk, 3-6, 1995 | 8* | 1995 |