Sonja Škornik
Sonja Škornik
Associate Professor, Biology Department, University of Maribor
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Survival and expansion of Pistia stratiotes L. in a thermal stream in Slovenia
N Šajna, M Haler, S Škornik, M Kaligarič
Aquatic Botany 87 (1), 75-79, 2007
GrassPlot–a database of multi-scale plant diversity in Palaearctic grasslands
J Dengler, V Wagner, I Dembicz, I García-Mijangos, A Naqinezhad, ...
Borntraeger Science Publishers, 2018
The effect of grazing pressure on species richness, composition and productivity in North Adriatic Karst pastures
S Škornik, M Vidrih, M Kaligarič
Plant Biosystems 144 (2), 355-364, 2010
Benchmarking plant diversity of Palaearctic grasslands and other open habitats
I Biurrun, R Pielech, I Dembicz, F Gillet, Ł Kozub, C Marcenò, T Reitalu, ...
Journal of Vegetation Science 32 (4), e13050, 2021
The failure of agri-environment measures to promote and conserve grassland biodiversity in Slovenia
M Kaligarič, J Čuš, S Škornik, D Ivajnšič
Land Use Policy 80, 127-134, 2019
Začetno naravoslovje z metodiko
T Novak, J Ambrožič-Dolinšek, Z Bradač, M Cajnkar-Kac, J Majer, ...
Pedagoška fakulteta, 2003
Dry calcareous grasslands from two neighboring biogeographic regions: relationship between plant traits and rarity
N Pipenbaher, M Kaligarič, NWH Mason, S Škornik
Biodiversity and conservation 22, 2207-2221, 2013
Suha travišča reda Brometalia erecti Koch 1926 na Goričkem (SV Slovenija)
S Škornik
Hacquetia 2 (1), 71-90, 2003
Grassland succession is mediated by umbelliferous colonizers showing allelopathic potential
M Kaligarič, MH Meister, S Škornik, N Šajna, B Kramberger, ...
Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant …, 2011
Variety of dry and semi-dry secondary grasslands (Festuco-Brometea) in Slovenia-contact area of different geoelements: Raznolikost suhih in polsuhih sekundarnih travišč …
M Kaligarič, S Škornik
Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, 2002
Halophile vegetation of the Slovenian seacoast: Thero-Salicornietea and Spartinetea maritimae
M Kaligarič, S Škornik
Hacquetia 5 (1), 2006
Assessing community assembly along a successional gradient in the North Adriatic Karst with functional and phylogenetic distances
MA Batalha, N Pipenbaher, B Bakan, M Kaligarič, S Škornik
Oecologia 178, 1205-1214, 2015
Does complementarity in leaf phenology and inclination promote co‐existence in a species‐rich meadow? Evidence from functional groups
NWH Mason, N Pipenbaher, S Škornik, M Kaligarič
Journal of Vegetation Science 24 (1), 94-100, 2013
Public attitudes and opinions as dimensions of efficient management with extensive meadows in Natura 2000 area
A Šorgo, N Špur, S Škornik
Journal of environmental management 183, 637-646, 2016
Last remnants of riparian wooded meadows along the middle Drava River (Slovenia): species composition is a response to light conditions and management
S Škornik, N Šajna, B Kramberger, S Kaligarič, M Kaligarič
Folia Geobotanica 43, 431-445, 2008
Vegetation of tall rush saltmarshes (Juncetea maritimae) and saltmarsh scrubs (Arthrocnemetea fruticosae) on the Slovenian seacoast
M Kaligarič, S Škornik
Annales, Series historia naturalis 17, 47-58, 2007
Germination and survival of endangered Pulsatilla grandis (Ranunculaceae) after artificial seeding, as affected by various disturbances
M Kaligarič, S Škornik, A Ivančič, F Rebeušek, M Sternberg, ...
Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 54 (1), 9-17, 2006
Floristic and functional comparision of karst pastures and karst meadows from the North Adriatic Karst
N Pipenbaher, M Kaligarič, S Škornik
Acta carsologica 40 (3), 2011
Opredelitev območij evropsko pomembnih negozdnih habitatnih tipov s pomočjo razširjenosti značilnih rastlinskih vrst: končno poročilo
M Kotarac, A Lešnik, D Erjavec, M Jakopič, B Rozman, B Trčak, N Jogan, ...
Center za kartografijo favne in flore, 2004
Phylogenetic and functional relationships in pastures and meadows from the North Adriatic Karst
N Pipenbaher, S Škornik, GH de Carvalho, MA Batalha
Plant ecology 214, 501-519, 2013
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