Jordan Thomson
Jordan Thomson
在 deakin.edu.au 的电子邮件经过验证
State‐dependent risk‐taking by green sea turtles mediates top‐down effects of tiger shark intimidation in a marine ecosystem
MR Heithaus, A Frid, AJ Wirsing, LM Dill, JW Fourqurean, D Burkholder, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 76 (5), 837-844, 2007
Extreme temperatures, foundation species, and abrupt ecosystem change: an example from an iconic seagrass ecosystem
JA Thomson, DA Burkholder, MR Heithaus, JW Fourqurean, MW Fraser, ...
Global change biology 21 (4), 1463-1474, 2015
Towards a predictive framework for predator risk effects: the interaction of landscape features and prey escape tactics
MR Heithaus, AJ Wirsing, D Burkholder, J Thomson, LM Dill
Journal of Animal Ecology 78 (3), 556-562, 2009
A review of lethal and non-lethal effects of predators on adult marine turtles
MR Heithaus, AJ Wirsing, JA Thomson, DA Burkholder
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 356 (1-2), 43-51, 2008
A systematic review of how multiple stressors from an extreme event drove ecosystem-wide loss of resilience in an iconic seagrass community
GA Kendrick, RJ Nowicki, YS Olsen, S Strydom, MW Fraser, EA Sinclair, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 455, 2019
Apparent resource partitioning and trophic structure of large-bodied marine predators in a relatively pristine seagrass ecosystem
MR Heithaus, JJ Vaudo, S Kreicker, CA Layman, M Krützen, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 481, 225-237, 2013
Diversity in trophic interactions of green sea turtles Chelonia mydas on a relatively pristine coastal foraging ground
DA Burkholder, MR Heithaus, JA Thomson, JW Fourqurean
Marine Ecology Progress Series 439, 277-293, 2011
Site specialists, diet generalists? Isotopic variation, site fidelity, and foraging by loggerhead turtles in Shark Bay, Western Australia
JA Thomson, MR Heithaus, DA Burkholder, JJ Vaudo, AJ Wirsing, LM Dill
Marine Ecology Progress Series 453, 213-226, 2012
Animal-borne video reveals seasonal activity patterns of green sea turtles and the importance of accounting for capture stress in short-term biologging
JA Thomson, MR Heithaus
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 450, 15-20, 2014
Validation of a rapid visual-assessment technique for categorizing the body condition of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the field
JA Thomson, D Burkholder, MR Heithaus, LM Dill
Copeia 2009 (2), 251-255, 2009
Predicting seagrass recovery times and their implications following an extreme climate event
RJ Nowicki, JA Thomson, DA Burkholder, JW Fourqurean, MR Heithaus
Marine Ecology Progress Series 567, 79-93, 2017
Indirect legacy effects of an extreme climatic event on a marine megafaunal community
R Nowicki, M Heithaus, J Thomson, D Burkholder, K Gastrich, A Wirsing
Ecological Monographs 89 (3), e01365, 2019
Implications of location accuracy and data volume for home range estimation and fine-scale movement analysis: comparing Argos and Fastloc-GPS tracking data
JA Thomson, L Börger, MJA Christianen, N Esteban, JO Laloë, GC Hays
Marine biology 164, 1-9, 2017
Heterogeneous patterns of availability for detection during visual surveys: spatiotemporal variation in sea turtle dive–surfacing behaviour on a feeding ground
JA Thomson, AB Cooper, DA Burkholder, MR Heithaus, LM Dill
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3 (2), 378-387, 2012
Feeding the world's largest fish: highly variable whale shark residency patterns at a provisioning site in the Philippines
JA Thomson, G Araujo, J Labaja, E McCoy, R Murray, A Ponzo
Royal Society Open Science 4 (9), 170394, 2017
Individual specialization in a migratory grazer reflects long-term diet selectivity on a foraging ground: implications for isotope-based tracking
JA Thomson, ER Whitman, MI Garcia-Rojas, A Bellgrove, M Ekins, ...
Oecologia 188, 429-439, 2018
Informing the interpretation of dive profiles using animal-borne video: a marine turtle case study
JA Thomson, MR Heithaus, LM Dill
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 410, 12-20, 2011
Correcting for heterogeneous availability bias in surveys of long-diving marine turtles
JA Thomson, AB Cooper, DA Burkholder, MR Heithaus, LM Dill
Biological Conservation 165, 154-161, 2013
Loss of predation risk from apex predators can exacerbate marine tropicalization caused by extreme climatic events
RJ Nowicki, JA Thomson, JW Fourqurean, AJ Wirsing, MR Heithaus
Journal of Animal Ecology 90 (9), 2041-2052, 2021
Intraspecific behavioral dynamics in a green turtle Chelonia mydas foraging aggregation
JA Thomson, A Gulick, MR Heithaus
Marine Ecology Progress Series 532, 243-256, 2015
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