Mohammad Winugroho
Mohammad Winugroho
在 unida.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Strategi pemberian pakan tambahan untuk memperbaiki efisiensi reproduksi induk sapi
M Winugroho
Jurnal litbang pertanian 21 (1), 19-23, 2002
Feeding livestock for compost production: A strategy for sustainable upland agriculture on Java
JC Tanner, SJ Holden, M Winugroho, E Owen, M Gill
Livestock and sustainable nutrient cycling in mixed farming systems of sub …, 1995
Livestock sustaining intensive smallholder crop production through traditional feeding practices for generating high quality manure-compost in upland Java
JC Tanner, SJ Holden, E Owen, M Winugroho, M Gill
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 84 (1), 21-30, 2001
Efektivitas daun murbei sebagai pengganti konsentrat dalam sistem rumen in vitro
S Syahrir, KG Wiryawan, A Parakkasi, M Winugroho, ONP Sari
Media Peternakan 32 (2), 2009
Studies on the utilization of cereal straws
M Winugroho
University of Melbourne, 1981
Suyitman. 2018. Biodegradation of lignin by white rot fungi (Pleurotus ostreatus) to decrease the fibre components in the palm midrib
Y Metri, L Warly
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 17 (2), 71-75, 0
Dynamics of feed resources in mixed farming systems in southeast Asia.
DB Roxas, M Wanapta, M Winugroho
Pengaruh pemberian bioplus terhadap kinerja sapi Madura di Kalimantan Tengah
N Ngadiyono, H Hartadi, M Winugroho, DD Siswansyah, SN Ahmad
JITV 6 (2), 69-75, 2001
Estimasi produksi gas metana dari rumput dan tanaman leguminosa yang diukur secara in vitro
Y Widiawati, M Winugroho, P Mahyuddin
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Peternakan dan Veteriner. Bogor 3, 2010
The effect of work durations on voluntary feed intake and digestibility, liveweights and physiology of buffaloes fed a grass: rice straw diet
M Winugroho
Proceedings of the Congress of the Sixth Federation of Asian Veterinary …, 1988
Pengaruh frekuensi pemisahan pedet pra-sapih terhadap tampilan reproduktivitas induk dan pertumbuhan pedet sapi Peranakan Ongole
L Affandhy, MA Yusran, M Winugroho
Prossiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Peternakan dan Veteriner, 147-154, 2001
A soak-and-press method for the alkali treatment of fibrous crop residues. Calcium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide treatments of rice straw
M Winugroho, MNM Ibrahim, GR Pearce
Agricultural Wastes 9 (2), 87-99, 1984
The protective effect of Paliasa (Kleinhovia hospita L.) leaf extract against elevated total bilirubin serum induced by toxic dose of antituberculosis in rats
YY Djabir, ID Meylin, R Tayeb
Nusantara Medical Science Journal, 43-47, 2019
Pengukuran produksi gas dari hasil proses fermentasi beberapa jenis leguminosa pakan
A Ella, S Harjosoewignyo, TR Wiradaryadan, M Winugroho
Prosiding Sem. Nas, 151-152, 1997
Pengaruh panjang pemotongan dan perlakuan kimia terhadap jumlah konsumsi dan daya cerna jerami padi. pros
M Winugroho, B Bakri, T Panggabean, NG Yaters
Pertemuan Ilmiah Ruminansia Besar. Puslitbangnak, Bogor. hlm, 16-20, 1983
Keseimbangan nitrogen pada domba yang diberi daun leguminosa sebagai pakan tunggal
M Winugroho, Y Widiawati
Buletin Ilmu Peternakan dan Perikanan 13 (1), 6-13, 2009
Intake and digestibility of the upper and lower fractions of rice straw by sheep and goats.
M Winugroho
Subiyanto, 1999
B Haryanto, M Sabrani, M Winugroho, B Sudaryanto, B Risdiono, ...
Pengembangan hijauan makanan ternak menunjang IP 300, 0
Produksi dan kualitas air susu kambing Peranakan Etawah yang diberi tambahan urea molases blok dan atau dedak padi pada awal laktasi
IAM Sukarini
J. Anim. Prod 8 (3), 196-205, 2006
Feeding draught animals in Indonesia
M Winugroho
ACIAR PROCEEDINGS, 109-109, 1993
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