Illusion and well-being: a social psychological perspective on mental health. SE Taylor, JD Brown Psychological bulletin 103 (2), 193, 1988 | 13361 | 1988 |
Positive illusions and well-being revisited: separating fact from fiction. SE Taylor, JD Brown American Psychological Association 116 (1), 21, 1994 | 1995 | 1994 |
Evaluations of self and others: Self-enhancement biases in social judgments JD Brown Social cognition 4 (4), 353-376, 1986 | 1547 | 1986 |
The self J Brown Psychology Press, 2014 | 1149 | 2014 |
The thrill of victory, the complexity of defeat: self-esteem and people's emotional reactions to success and failure. JD Brown, KA Dutton Journal of personality and social psychology 68 (4), 712, 1995 | 800 | 1995 |
Self-esteem and direct versus indirect forms of self-enhancement. JD Brown, RL Collins, GW Schmidt Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 55 (3), 445, 1988 | 626 | 1988 |
Self-esteem and self-evaluation: Feeling is believing JD Brown Psychological Perspectives on the Self, Volume 4, 27-58, 2014 | 587 | 2014 |
From the top down: Self-esteem and self-evaluation JD Brown, KA Dutton, KE Cook Cognition and emotion 15 (5), 615-631, 2001 | 561 | 2001 |
Self-esteem and emotion: Some thoughts about feelings JD Brown, MA Marshall Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 27 (5), 575-584, 2001 | 542 | 2001 |
When Gulliver travels: Social context, psychological closeness, and self-appraisals. JD Brown, NJ Novick, KA Lord, JM Richards Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 62 (5), 717, 1992 | 539 | 1992 |
The three faces of self-esteem JD Brown, MA Marshall Self-esteem issues and answers, 4-9, 2013 | 476 | 2013 |
Self-esteem, mood, and self-evaluation: changes in mood and the way you see you. JD Brown, TA Mankowski Journal of personality and social psychology 64 (3), 421, 1993 | 459 | 1993 |
Global self-esteem and specific self-views as determinants of people's reactions to success and failure. KA Dutton, JD Brown Journal of personality and social psychology 73 (1), 139, 1997 | 414 | 1997 |
The self and social conduct: Linking self-representations to prosocial behavior. JD Brown, S Smart Journal of Personality and Social psychology 60 (3), 368, 1991 | 414 | 1991 |
Attributions for negative life events and depression: the role of perceived control. JD Brown, JM Siegel Journal of personality and social psychology 54 (2), 316, 1988 | 392 | 1988 |
Understanding the better than average effect: Motives (still) matter JD Brown Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 38 (2), 209-219, 2012 | 358 | 2012 |
Exercise as a buffer of life stress: a prospective study of adolescent health. JD Brown, JM Siegel Health psychology 7 (4), 341, 1988 | 352 | 1988 |
Affective consequences of ability versus effort ascriptions: Controversies, resolutions, and quandaries. J Brown, B Weiner American Psychological Association 76 (1), 146, 1984 | 323 | 1984 |
Do people with low self-esteem really want to feel better? Self-esteem differences in motivation to repair negative moods. SA Heimpel, JV Wood, MA Marshall, JD Brown Journal of personality and social psychology 82 (1), 128, 2002 | 321 | 2002 |
Staying fit and staying well: physical fitness as a moderator of life stress. JD Brown Journal of personality and Social Psychology 60 (4), 555, 1991 | 320 | 1991 |