Deborah M. Powell
Deborah M. Powell
在 uoguelph.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
Side-bet theory and the three-component model of organizational commitment
DM Powell, JP Meyer
Journal of vocational behavior 65 (1), 157-177, 2004
Taking advantage of social comparisons in performance appraisal: The relative percentile method
RD Goffin, RB Jelley, DM Powell, NG Johnston
Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of …, 2009
The role of information-processing capacity and goals in attitude-congruent selective exposure effects
SM Smith, LR Fabrigar, DM Powell, MJ Estrada
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 33 (7), 948-960, 2007
Behavioral expression of job interview anxiety
AR Feiler, DM Powell
Journal of Business and Psychology 31, 155-171, 2016
Why does impression management positively influence interview ratings? The mediating role of competence and warmth
AA Amaral, DM Powell, JL Ho
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 27 (4), 315-327, 2019
Meta-analysis of the relation between interview anxiety and interview performance.
DM Powell, DJ Stanley, KN Brown
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du …, 2018
Cues to deception in the employment interview
L Schneider, DM Powell, N Roulin
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 23 (2), 182-190, 2015
Choosing job-related personality traits: Developing valid personality-oriented job analysis
RD Goffin, MG Rothstein, MJ Rieder, A Poole, HT Krajewski, DM Powell, ...
Personality and Individual Differences 51 (5), 646-651, 2011
The detection of personality traits in employment interviews: Can “good judges” be trained?
DM Powell, JS Bourdage
Personality and Individual Differences 94, 194-199, 2016
Assessing personality in the employment interview: The impact of training on rater accuracy
DM Powell, RD Goffin
Human performance 22 (5), 450-465, 2009
The relation between deceptive impression management and employment interview ratings: A meta-analysis.
JL Ho, DM Powell, DJ Stanley
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du …, 2021
The relationship of GMA to counterproductive work behavior revisited
B Marcus, U Wagner, A Poole, DM Powell, J Carswell
European Journal of Personality 23 (6), 489-507, 2009
Interview anxiety across the sexes: Support for the sex-linked anxiety coping theory
AR Feiler, DM Powell
Personality and Individual Differences 54 (1), 12-17, 2013
Shake and fake: The role of interview anxiety in deceptive impression management
DM Powell, JS Bourdage, S Bonaccio
Journal of business and psychology 36 (5), 829-840, 2021
The influence of competition on motivation to fake in employment interviews
JL Ho, DM Powell, P Barclay, H Gill
Journal of Personnel Psychology, 2019
Does interview anxiety predict job performance and does it influence the predictive validity of interviews?
L Schneider, DM Powell, S Bonaccio
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 27 (4), 328-336, 2019
How important is personality in the selection of medical school students?
MJW McLarnon, MG Rothstein, RD Goffin, MJ Rieder, A Poole, ...
Personality and Individual Differences 104, 442-447, 2017
Identifying applicant faking in job interviews
N Roulin, DM Powell
Journal of Personnel Psychology, 2018
The effect of leader risk-taking on subordinate felt trust
JT Hanna, AK Elms, H Gill, DJ Stanley, DM Powell
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 40 (2), 163-176, 2019
The role of fear of negative evaluation in interview anxiety and social‐evaluative workplace anxiety
IY Zhang, DM Powell, S Bonaccio
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 30 (2), 302-310, 2022
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