Joseph Shostell
Molecular phylogenetics and phylogeography of the white-fronted capuchin (Cebus albifrons; Cebidae, Primates) by means of mtCOII gene sequences
M Ruiz-García, MI Castillo, C Vásquez, K Rodriguez, M Pinedo-Castro, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 57 (3), 1049-1061, 2010
How many genera and species of woolly monkeys (Atelidae, Platyrrhine, Primates) are there? The first molecular analysis of Lagothrix flavicauda, an endemic Peruvian primate species
M Ruiz-García, M Pinedo-Castro, JM Shostell
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 79, 179-198, 2014
Life history and ecology of Franciscana, Pontoporia blainvillei (Cetacea, Pontoporiidae)
ER Secchi
Biology, Evolution and Conservation of River Dolphins within South America …, 2010
Non‐annual external annuli in the freshwater mussels Anodonta grandis grandis and Lampsilis radiata siliquoidea*
WL Downing, J Shostell, JA Downing
Freshwater Biology 28 (3), 309-317, 1992
Molecular differentiation among Inia geoffrensis and Inia boliviensis (Iniidae, Cetacea) by means of nuclear intron sequences
M Ruiz-Garcia, S Caballero, M Martinez-Agüero, JM Shostell
Population genetics research progress, 177-223, 2008
Seasonal and interannual variation in nutrient fluxes from tributary inputs, consumer recycling and algal growth in a eutrophic river impoundment
J Shostell, PA Bukaveckas
Aquatic Ecology 38, 359-373, 2004
Habitat complexity as a determinate of benthic macroinvertebrate community structure in cypress tree reservoirs
JM Shostell, BS Williams
Hydrobiologia 575, 389-399, 2007
Genetic variability in four Alouatta species measured by means of nine DNA microsatellite markers: Genetic structure and recent bottlenecks
M Ruiz-Garcia, P Escobar-Armel, D Alvarez, M Mudry, M Ascunce, ...
Folia Primatologica 78 (2), 73-87, 2007
Effects of point source loadings, sub-basin inputs and longitudinal variation in material retention on C, N and P delivery from the Ohio River basin
PA Bukaveckas, DL Guelda, J Jack, R Koch, T Sellers, J Shostell
Ecosystems 8, 825-840, 2005
Genetic characterization and phylogenetic relationships between the Ateles species (Atelidae, Primates) by means of DNA microsatellite markers and craniometric data
M Ruiz-García, A Parra, N Romero-Aleán, P Escobar-Armel, JM Shostell
Primate Report 73, 3, 2006
Phylogeography of the Mountain Tapir (Tapirus pinchaque) and the Central American Tapir (Tapirus bairdii) and the origins of the three Latin-American tapirs by means of mtCyt-B …
M Ruiz-García, C Vásquez, M Pinedo-Castro, S Sandoval, A Castellanos, ...
Current topics in phylogenetics and phylogeography of terrestrial and …, 2012
Population genetic analysis of cat populations from Mexico, Colombia, Bolivia, and the Dominican Republic: identification of different gene pools in Latin America
M Ruiz-Garcia, D Alvarez, JM Shostell
Journal of Genetics 84, 147-171, 2005
A global database of nitrogen and phosphorus excretion rates of aquatic animals
MJ Vanni, PB McIntyre, D Allen, DL Arnott, JP Benstead, DJ Berg, ...
Ecology 98 (5), 1475-1475, 2017
Biodiversity in the Amazon: Origin hypotheses, intrinsic capacity of species colonization, and comparative phylogeography of river otters (Lontra longicaudis and Pteronura …
M Ruiz-García, P Escobar-Armel, B de Thoisy, M Martínez-Agüero, ...
Journal of Mammalian Evolution 25, 213-240, 2018
Molecular Phylogenetics of Aotus (Platyrrhini, Cebidae)
M Ruiz-García, C Vásquez, E Camargo, N Leguizamón, H Gálvez, ...
International Journal of Primatology 32, 1218-1241, 2011
Phylogeography of the mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata; Atelidae, Primates) across its geographical range by means of mitochondrial genetic analyses and new insights …
M Ruiz-García, Á Cerón, S Sánchez-Castillo, P Rueda-Zozaya, ...
Folia Primatologica 88 (5), 421-454, 2017
Population genetics and phylogeography of the largest wild cat in the Americas: An analysis of the jaguar by means of microsatellites and mitochondrial gene sequences
M Ruiz-García, C Vásquez, A Murillo, M Pinedo-Castro, D Alvarez
Molecular population genetics, evolutionary biology and biological …, 2013
Mitogenomics of the mountain tapir (Tapirus pinchaque, Tapiridae, Perissodactyla, Mammalia) in Colombia and Ecuador: Phylogeography and insights into the …
M Ruiz-García, A Castellanos, LA Bernal, M Pinedo-Castro, F Kaston, ...
Mammalian Biology 81, 163-175, 2016
Mutant allele frequencies in domestic cat populations in Arkansas and Tennessee
JM Shostell, J Staudinger, M Ruiz-Garcia
Journal of Heredity 96 (5), 557-565, 2005
Molecular genetics analysis of mtDNA COII gene sequences shows illegal traffic of night monkeys (Aotus, Platyrrhini, Primates) in Colombia
M Ruiz-García, C Vásquez, E Camargo, LF Castellanos-Mora, H Gálvez, ...
J Primatol 2 (107), 2, 2013
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