Patrick E. Downes
Patrick E. Downes
在 ku.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Scientific contributions of within-person research in management: Making the juice worth the squeeze
BW McCormick, CJ Reeves, PE Downes, N Li, R Ilies
Journal of Management 46 (2), 321-350, 2020
Employee reactions to pay dispersion: A typology of existing research
PE Downes, D Choi
Human resource management review 24 (1), 53-66, 2014
Office chitchat as a social ritual: The uplifting yet distracting effects of daily small talk at work
JR Methot, EH Rosado-Solomon, PE Downes, AS Gabriel
Academy of Management Journal 64 (5), 1445-1471, 2021
Motivational mechanisms of self-concordance theory: Goal-specific efficacy and person–organization fit
PE Downes, AL Kristof-Brown, TA Judge, TC Darnold
Journal of Business and Psychology 32, 197-215, 2017
Referents or role models? The self-efficacy and job performance effects of perceiving higher performing peers.
EM Downes, P. E., Crawford, E. R., Seibert, S. E., Stoverink, A. C., & Campbell
Journal of Applied Psychology, 2020
The problem of effect size heterogeneity in meta-analytic structural equation modeling.
JJ Yu, PE Downes, KM Carter, EH O'Boyle
Journal of Applied Psychology 101 (10), 1457, 2016
The role of research strategies and professional networks in management scholars’ productivity
SE Seibert, KM Kacmar, ML Kraimer, PE Downes, D Noble
Journal of Management 43 (4), 1103-1130, 2017
Incorporating job demand variability into job demands theory: A meta-analysis
PE Downes, CJ Reeves, BW McCormick, WR Boswell, MM Butts
Journal of Management 47 (6), 1630-1656, 2021
The heterogeneity problem in meta-analytic structural equation modeling (MASEM) revisited: A reply to Cheung.
JJ Yu, PE Downes, KM Carter, E O'Boyle
Journal of Applied Psychology 103 (7), 804, 2018
multilevel: Multilevel Functions [Software]
P Bliese, G Chen, P Downes, D Schepker, J Lang
To collaborate or not? The moderating effects of team conflict on performance‐prove goal orientation, collaboration, and team performance
P E Downes, E Gonzalez‐Mulé, JY Seong, WW Park
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 94 (3), 568-590, 2021
Remote workers need small talk, too
JR Methot, AS Gabriel, P Downes, E Rosado-Solomon
Harvard Business Review 25, 2021
Multilevel: Multilevel functions (R package version 2.6)[Computer software]
P Bliese, G Chen, P Downes, D Schepker, J Lang
Applicant reactions to online background checks: welcome to a brave new world
S Seibert, PE Downes, J Christopher
Academy of Management Proceedings 2012 (1), 12162, 2012
multilevel: Multilevel Functions (Version 2.6)[Computer software]
P Bliese, G Chen, P Downes, D Schepker, J Lang
Multilevel: Multilevel functions (Version 2.6)
PD Bliese, G Chen, P Downes, D Schepker, J Lang
The role of research strategies and professional networks in management scholars’ productivity.
J Seibert, KM Kacmar, ML Kraimer, PE Downes, D Noble
Journal of Management 10 (0149206314546196), 0
Relieving the pressure: Team familiarity attenuates external conformity pressure on team member decisions
AJ Ferguson, PE Downes, RA Brymer, MG Hayman, AC Stoverink
Journal of Management 50 (5), 1836-1864, 2024
Getting from valid to useful: End user modifiability and human capital analytics implementation in selection
PE Downes, TB Harris, DG Allen
Human Resource Management 62 (6), 917-932, 2023
A relational view of shiftwork: Co‐scheduling with higher performers
PE Downes, ES Lee
Human Resource Management, 2022
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