Anna Villnäs
Anna Villnäs
Tvärminne Zoological Station, J.A. Palméns väg 260, 10900 Hangö, Finland
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Long-term temporal and spatial trends in eutrophication status of the Baltic Sea
JH Andersen, J Carstensen, DJ Conley, K Dromph, V Fleming-Lehtinen, ...
Biological Reviews, 2015
Size matters: implications of the loss of large individuals for ecosystem function
A Norkko, A Villnäs, J Norkko, S Valanko, C Pilditch
Scientific reports 3 (1), 2646, 2013
Consequences of increasing hypoxic disturbance on benthic communities and ecosystem functioning
A Villnäs, J Norkko, K Lukkari, J Hewitt, A Norkko
Public Library of Science 7 (10), e44920, 2012
Eutrophication in the Baltic Sea: An Integrated Thematic Assessment of the Effects of Nutrient Enrichment in the Baltic Sea Region. Executive Summary
Helsinki Commission. Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, 2009
Getting the measure of eutrophication in the Baltic Sea: towards improved assessment principles and methods
JH Andersen, P Axe, H Backer, J Carstensen, U Claussen, ...
Biogeochemistry 106, 137-156, 2011
The role of recurrent disturbances for ecosystem multifunctionality
A Villnäs, J Norkko, S Hietanen, AB Josefson, K Lukkari, A Norkko
Ecology 94 (10), 2275-2287, 2013
Benthic diversity gradients and shifting baselines: implications for assessing environmental status
A Villnäs, A Norkko
Ecological applications 21 (6), 2172-2186, 2011
Structural and functional shifts in zoobenthos induced by organic enrichment—implications for community recovery potential
A Villnäs, J Perus, E Bonsdorff
Journal of Sea Research 65 (1), 8-18, 2011
Factors regulating the coastal nutrient filter in the Baltic Sea
J Carstensen, DJ Conley, E Almroth-Rosell, E Asmala, E Bonsdorff, ...
Ambio 49, 1194-1210, 2020
Zoobenthos as indicators of ecological status in coastal brackish waters: a comparative study from the Baltic Sea
J Perus, E Bonsdorff, S Bäck, HG Lax, A Villnäs, V Westberg
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 36 (2), 250-256, 2007
Species composition and functional traits of macrofauna in different mangrove habitats in the Persian Gulf
P Hajializadeh, M Safaie, R Naderloo, MG Shojaei, J Gammal, A Villnäs, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 575480, 2020
Template for using biological trait groupings when exploring large-scale variation in seafloor multifunctionality
A Villnäs, J Hewitt, M Snickars, M Westerbom, A Norkko
Ecological Applications 28, 78-94, 2018
Biodiversity in the Baltic Sea - An integrated thematic assessment on biodiversity and nature conservation in the Baltic Sea
UL Zweifel, M Laamanen, Z Al-Hamdani, JH Andersen, Å Andersson, ...
Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings, 1-188, 2009
Changes in macrofaunal biological traits across estuarine gradients: implications for the coastal nutrient filter
A Villnäs, U Janas, AB Josefson, H Kendzierska, H Nygård, J Norkko, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 622, 31-48, 2019
Species and functional trait turnover in response to broad‐scale change and an invasive species
JE Hewitt, J Norkko, L Kauppi, A Villnäs, A Norkko
Ecosphere 7 (3), e01289, 2016
The role of dispersal mode and habitat specialization for metacommunity structure of shallow beach invertebrates
IF Rodil, P Lucena-Moya, H Jokinen, V Ollus, H Wennhage, A Villnäs, ...
PLoS One 12 (2), e0172160, 2017
Context-dependent community facilitation in seagrass meadows along a hydrodynamic stress gradient
L Meysick, T Ysebaert, A Jansson, F Montserrat, S Valanko, A Villnäs, ...
Journal of Sea Research 150, 8-23, 2019
Increasing oxygen deficiency changes rare and moderately abundant bacterial communities in coastal soft sediments
H Sinkko, I Hepolehto, C Lyra, JM Rinta-Kanto, A Villnäs, J Norkko, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 16341, 2019
Re-thinking the “ecological envelope” of Eastern Baltic cod (Gadus morhua): conditions for productivity, reproduction, and feeding over time
H Svedäng, O Savchuk, A Villnäs, A Norkko, BG Gustafsson, SA Wikström, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 79 (3), 689-708, 2022
Food sources drive temporal variation in elemental stoichiometry of benthic consumers
S Mäkelin, A Villnäs
Limnology and Oceanography 67, 784-799, 2022
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